To determine the application.
Danielle Brooke presented the report to members.
Members received a presentation, in accordance with the public participation procedure, from Ian Gowler, the agent and Calum Hamilton, the applicant. Mr Gowler stated that there are no technical objections to the proposal, and he is pleased to see that the officer recommendation is for one of approval. He explained that the site was part of a larger site of 13 houses although only nine of those were actually located on the site which was approved but the permission has now expired.
Mr Gowler stated that the first objection raised by the Parish Council refers to the development being against the character of the open countryside but, in his opinion, the proposed residential development will actually enhance the appearance as you approach that end of Doddington. He explained that the second point of objection raised by the Parish Council is that the access would be unsafe, and he explained that there is currently an access to that part of the site already and as part of his proposed design there have been visibility splays incorporated as required by Highways.
Mr Hamilton stated that he has lived in Doddington for 40 years and it was always his aim to purchase the house should it ever come up for sale, adding that the residents from the property next door were sellers of produce and as they grew older, he also looked after their back garden to provide them with assistance. He explained that after one of his neighbours passed away, which was after the planning application for 13 dwellings had been submitted, his other neighbour found she was no longer able to cope and moved into a smaller dwelling.
Mr Hamilton explained that a developer had agreed to purchase the whole site including the neighbour’s property but in June 2023, the developer decided to withdraw the reserved matters application and that is when he discovered that the planning application had expired. He explained that he is now struggling to maintain the property in a way in which he would like to and has decided that if three dwellings were located at the front then he would be able to manage the rest of the land, with his wish to stay there and to enhance the entrance into the village.
Members asked the following questions:
· Councillor Marks asked what was the viewpoint from the Parish Council when the proposal was for 13 dwellings? Mr Hamilton confirmed that they were in support.
Members asked officers the following questions.
· Councillor Mrs French asked for clarity that the Parish Council supported 13 dwellings but do not support 3. Officers confirmed this to be the case.
Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows:
· Councillor Hicks stated that he cannot see anything wrong with the proposal and he agrees with the officer’s recommendation, and it should be approved.
· Councillor Benney expressed the opinion that the officer’s recommendation is correct.
· Councillor Imafidon stated that this is a straightforward application and should be approved by the committee.
Proposed by Councillor Imafidon, seconded by Councillor Hicks and agreed that the application be GRANTED as per the officer’s recommendation.
(Councillor Connor declared that he is the District Councillor for Doddington and Wimblington and attends Doddington Parish Council meetings but takes no part in planning)
(Councillor Benney declared that he is friends with the agent’s brother but is not pre-determined and will consider the application with an open mind)
(Councillor Connor declared that he knows the agent from when he was a member of Doddington Parish Council but does not socialise with him and will consider the application with an open mind)
(Councillor Marks declared that he knows the agent’s brother but is not pre-determined and will consider the application with an open mind)
Supporting documents: