Agenda item

To receive reports from and ask questions of Cabinet members with portfolio holder responsibilities, in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2.


Members asked questions of portfolio holders in accordance with Procedure Rules 8.1 and 8.2 as follows:


·         Councillor Hoy addressed Councillor Boden saying that during the election campaign, Councillor Patrick said the Liberal Democrats had done nothing regarding the Wisbech incinerator. She felt this to be an unfair comment as whilst she thought County Council could have done more, both Councillor Booth and Councillor Cutler had done a great deal. She asked Councillor Boden if he agreed it was unfair to make an assumption of an entire party when two individuals from that party on this Council had done a lot towards the campaign. Councillor Boden responded that it was not appropriate to bring party politics into the issue; there was complete support from the Council’s opposition group leader and the members he represents and if fewer people had been concerned about party politics in this issue perhaps the outcome would have been better.

·         Councillor Gerstner asked Councillor Mrs French if there is any update on Civil Parking Enforcement. Councillor Mrs French advised there was no update, but a solution is still being worked upon.

·         Councillor Sam Clark asked that Councillor Murphy convey her thanks to the Street Scene Team for their work investigating and prosecuting fly tippers. Two weeks ago, a vast quantity of waste appeared overnight in Newton-in-the-Isle. Street Pride members visited the site and found documents with a name and address. A Street Scene officer attended within the hour, collected the documentation, visited the address, gathered information and started a formal investigation. Within days, two individuals were identified for enforcement action which should lead to a prosecution. This incident highlights the professionalism of the Council’s Street Scene officers and the strength of the partnership with Street Pride groups.

·         Councillor Booth asked Councillor Mrs Laws for an update on the Local Plan. Councillor Mrs Laws said the Council’s new Planning Policy Manager is currently reviewing the work done to date and mapping options for a pathway forward as proposed changes at national level may have an impact. Once this exercise is completed a more detailed project plan will be developed and shared with senior members which will include a range of stakeholders’ engagement to ensure the final Local Plan reflects members’ wishes. There is a lot going on within Planning and it is a case of waiting for Government. Councillor Booth asked if that meant there would be delay to a second public consultation. Councillor Mrs Laws responded that there would be a delay, there is no option and whilst the Council has a very good new planning policy manager, there has also been a wait for outside consultants’ reports. However, all members will be kept informed, the working party will be resurrected and will move forward with the new guidelines from Government.

·         Councillor Tierney addressed Councillor Boden and said that following the news about the incinerator he had been contacted by many residents who had a lot of questions. One of the most common refrains was that people felt the decision was a done deal from an early stage. Although he knows nothing about the workings of Government, he did find the timing of the end of the moratorium at almost the exact time that ministers ceased to be ministers was curious, and he wonders what role civil servants played in this. He has heard that both the leader of WisWin and the Mayor of the Combined Authority are going to write to the new Secretary of State so there is still a possibility that the new Government could show that there is no obstacle created by the civil service and that it is possible to reverse the decision. He would therefore like to ask the Leader if it is possible for every district councillor who wants to, to sign the letters that Councillor Boden previously mentioned to show a united front that is not based on party politics. Councillor Boden said he had no problem with members signing the letter if they so required, so long as it can be arranged without any delay to sending the letters.

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