Agenda item

Motion submitted by Councillor Gary Christy

Motion submitted by Councillor Christy regarding changes to the Winter Fuel Allowance and protecting pensioners from fuel poverty.


Councillor Hoy presented the motion on behalf of Councillor Christy concerning changes to the winter fuel allowance and protecting pensioners from fuel poverty.


Councillor Booth seconded the motion and Councillor Meekins opened the motion for debate. Members made comments as follows:

·         Councillor Tierney stated that he does not understand the reasoning around why Central Government made the decision to remove the winter fuel allowance. He expressed the view that it is obviously such a bad decision which also seems to be the general consensus, and he added that he cannot comprehend why a decision has been made to harm some of the most vulnerable people by taking money off of them which they would use to heat their homes.

·         Councillor Carney stated that he has recently attended some Golden Age Fairs in Tydd St Giles and Eastrea and on both occasions he has spoken to different agencies who are there supporting older people, with representatives from those agencies explaining to him how they are already being inundated with trying to provide assistance to those older people who fall just outside of the threshold of being able to receive the winter fuel allowance. He stated that he has come across two people as a result of undertaking home visits as part of his day job, where those persons have stated that they are literally only £20 above the threshold to receive the payment and it is a case of do they eat or do they heat. Councillor Carney made reference to Dr Nik Johnson, the Labour Mayor of the Combined Authority, and highlighted the strapline that the Mayor uses Compassion, Community and Cooperation, however, in his view, it appears that any compassion has been totally disregarded. He added why should the most vulnerable people in the community be subjected to this problem. Councillor Carney added that one of the housing providers that he has spoken to have explained that they have already started to discuss with some of their poorer tenants that the way to overcome the issue is to submit a claim for pension credit and then even if they only become eligible for £10 a week it then makes them eligible to receive the winter fuel allowance. Councillor Carney stated that he does not know who undertook the calculations within Central Government to reach the decision but there are now going to be millions of people across the country who are going to be eligible for pension credit and, therefore, will be eligible for the winter fuel payment which, in his view, could mean that the Government have made a terrible mistake. He expressed the view that there are going to be many people who are extremely worried about the situation.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws stated that she has been a Whittlesey Town Councillor for nearly 40 years, and she has met recently with a couple of residents who are of the opinion that by claiming benefits they could be seen as scrounging. She added that they have explained that they have never had to claim anything before and have managed financially themselves and now feel embarrassed to ask for assistance. Councillor Mrs Laws stated that she has advised those individuals to make contact with the Citizens Advice Bureau who will guide them through the issue, but she added that she understands that the Citizens Advice Bureau are inundated and their appointment list is full. She stated that she agrees with Councillor Carney and added that there is no compassion, and she cannot understand why the Government would want to wish to attack the vulnerable and the elderly. She expressed the view that there maybe many who do not require the fuel allowance, but the greater proportion do require it and it is such an injustice and the Council need to lobby very hard against the decision. Councillor Mrs Laws stated that she does have concerns that the Council Tax single persons discount may also be withdrawn and if that happens then there will be more people requiring help and advice. She expressed the view that people will now find themselves in a predicament as to whether they choose to heat their properties or whether they eat properly, and many people are now so conscious of costs.

·         Councillor Taylor questioned whether there is the possibility of identifying those pensioners who fall under the threshold as he is part a group which has been set up called Pro Farming United which covers England and Wales and they have agreed to provide a weekly delivery of a wonky vegetable box to those persons who fall under the threshold.

·         Councillor Miscandlon stated that he has been made aware by the Citizen Advice Bureau that if an individual can claim credits for as little as 50p they then qualify for the fuel allowance. He added that due to the decision made by the Government, the people of Fenland are going to suffer due to their gross negligence that they are inflicting on the elderly people of the country that have paid tax on their incomes throughout their lives. Councillor Miscandlon made the point that the winter fuel allowance has already been paid to those persons living in countries such as Spain, Italy and France and even as far as Australia and there is no sense in the Government’s decision in his opinion.

·         Councillor Foice–Beard expressed the view that the changes to the winter fuel allowance scheme are appalling, and she passed on her thanks for the motion being brought forwards to Full Council.

·         Councillor Booth stated that he agrees with the majority of what has been said and passed on his thanks to Councillor Christy for drafting the motion. He addressed the point raised by Councillor Taylor and stated that the vegetable boxes he proposed are more needed by those individuals who fall just above the financial threshold for Universal Credit as they are the ones who are going to lose the allowance. Councillor Booth expressed the view that it is a rushed policy in order to try and receive publicity, but it has not been well received and the Government does not seem to wish to alter their decision. He added that there are some people who do not need the allowance due to their financial position, however, there are some people who desperately need it. Councillor Booth stated that it will disproportionately affect the residents of Fenland and the Government do need to be lobbied and have pressure applied to them. He made the point that the budget is looming and they may choose to reverse their decision. Councillor Booth stated that the Government really does need to listen to people and reconsider their decision as it does disproportionately affect the most vulnerable people in society.


Councillor Hoy summed up and stated that she would also like to thank Councillor Christy for bringing the motion forwards to Council. She added that the policy is absolutely disgusting and as a result of the Government’s decision, in her view, people are going to die. Councillor Hoy stated that there are some very elderly people who really need the heating but are not going to be in a financial position to put their heating on and the people in Government should be ashamed of themselves by taking this decision because it is absolutely disgusting.


Councillor Hoy requested a recorded vote to be taken on this motion.


Councillor Booth questioned whether those members who declared an interest in this item should be allowed to vote. The Chairman sought advice from the Monitoring Officer who confirmed that if those members who declared an interest still believe that they have an open mind on this issue then they can vote, however, if they feel that they are already predetermined then they should abstain from the vote.


Councillor Booth stated that it is a financial matter and, therefore, it is pecuniary interest and some members have declared an interest as they are receiving a financial benefit.


The Monitoring Officer stated that the Council are not the decision maker on this issue and, therefore, members interests are not engaged directly. She added that this is a similar scenario with regards to Council Tax where members do not have to declare an interest but as long as members have an open mind, and they are not predetermined on the issue then she is content that everybody can vote.


A recorded vote was taken:


In Favour: Councillors Benney, Boden, Booth, Carney, S Clark, Connor, Cutler, Mrs Davis, Foice-Beard, Mrs French, Gill, Gowler, Hicks, Hoy, Humphrey, Imafidon, Mrs Laws, Meekins, Miscandlon, Murphy, Oliver, Purser, Rackley, Roy, Seaton, Summers, Taylor, Tierney, Wallwork and Woollard.


Abstention: Councillors J Clark, Gerstner and Patrick.


The Motion was approved.


(Councillors J Clark, Connor, Cutler, Mrs Davis, Mrs French, Gerstner ,Mrs Laws, Miscandlon, Murphy, Patrick, Seaton and Woollard declared that they had previously been in receipt of the Winter Fuel Allowance payment)  

Supporting documents: