Issue - decisions

FDC Formal Response to Fens Reservoir Consultation

12/12/2022 - FDC Formal Response to Fens Reservoir Consultation

Members considered the FDC Formal Response to Fens Reservoir Consultation report presented by Councillor Laws.


Councillor Laws said it needs to be registered that Fenland District Council recognises the effort by Anglian Water, acting together with Cambridge Water, to engage and collaborate with the council and other stakeholders in the plans for the Fens Reservoir. This is a project for long-term water security in the region that also impacts on various cross-boundary issues such as transport, flood risk, environment, and community. The Council also recognises the pressure it places to expedite this project. Councillor Laws added that the Council is very keen to engage in working with Anglian Water and Cambridge Water to develop this project in collaboration.


Councillor Mrs French said she fully supports the scheme. She attended a flood meeting just this morning attended by Middle Level and Anglian Water. The chairman of the Navigations Committee pointed out the hundreds of thousands of pounds it has cost Middle Level over the years to pump, so she asked if they would be looking to pump into the reservoir to save such a vast sum of money, and the answer is yes they are working together. Councillor Boden said that was very positive to hear.


Councillor Count said he agreed with the responses made on behalf of this Council and the letter sent but he would like to draw attention to the word ‘potential’. Here is a proposal from Anglian Water to build a reservoir for the supply of water to homes. The consultation papers show drawings of people windsurfing, fishing, rowing a boat etc. However, when looking at the detail behind those parts of the consultation, the words ‘potential’, ‘work with partners’ and ‘could be made to happen’ are used. Councillor Count stressed that as we go through this process it is essential that those move from potentials to deliverables. He said it will be a fantastic asset for us all if so, but if it just delivers the core purpose then it will be an eyesore on a very bland landscape. Therefore, we should embrace this opportunity and keep a close eye on converting potentials into reality.


Councillor Tierney said this is fantastic news, of course we need the water but the aspects for leisure are incredible and will be such a boon for the area. However, Councillor Count raises an important point because there is a danger of slippage on some projects like this where early promises are never fulfilled, and we must keep an eye on this. It will be awesome if it delivers as promised.


Councillor Boden said that the comments made by Councillor Count and Councillor Tierney are highly valid and that we must all be alert to the danger that what has been promised somehow slips away. What has not been mentioned is the effect this will have on jobs and skills; this construction process will probably be the largest in Fenland since the 17th century when the Fens were drained. Some of the skills involved are in short supply so this will involve much training and a lot of planning and will provide many transferable skills that residents will be able to obtain and utilise for the future.


Councillor Laws added that there have been significant discussions around the focus on employing local people, but it is important to note that apprenticeship opportunities will be offered to provide young people with a chance to gain skills. Councillor Boden agreed and added that there will also be massive opportunities in the supply chain to many local businesses for years to come and we must ensure that both Fenland businesses and residents are in the strongest possible position to take the maximum advantage of this once in a generation opportunity.


Proposed by Councillor Boden, seconded by Councillor Benney and Cabinet AGREED that:


·         the Council’s formal response to the Fens Reservoir consultation and the draft letter from the Leader of the Council, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth be approved and recommended to Council for agreement; and

·         authority be delegated to the Corporate Director in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth to make any changes that may be required.