Issue details

Wisbech Town Board, 10-Year Vision Document and 3-Year Investment Plan - KEY/11JUN24/01

Cabinet to discuss and note documents developed by Wisbech Town Board. As FDC is the accountable body for actioning the spending of funding to deliver both plans, the Council needs to be satisfied that the plans are financially viable and would confirm with Government guidance for Long Term Plan for Towns, and that they reflect sound governance and financial practice.

(Value: Government Grant Fund, approx. £2m p.a. from 2025-2035).

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Wisbech Wards;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/06/2024

Decision due: 16 Dec 2024 by Cabinet

Contact: Phil Hughes, Head of Leisure Services/SRO March Future High Street Project Email:


Community consultation within documents, including local elected Members on the Town Board.

Background Documents: 10-year vision document. 3-year delivery plan. Government guidance regarding Long Term Plan for Towns.