Issue details

George Campbell Leisure Centre - KEY/22JAN25/03

Internal works to:
1. Enhance and refurbish exercise studio 2 including expansion into unused former changing room
2. The conversion of former female pool changing room into a spin studio
3. Revision of entrance area, reception space, gym access and staff room into reception that includes customer café / catering space

(Value - detailed design yet to be developed: cost in the region of £390k)

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: March Wards;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/01/2025

Decision due: 24 Feb 2025 by Cabinet

Contact: Phil Hughes, Head of Leisure Services/SRO March Future High Street Project Email:


All relevant internal and external stakeholders

Background Documents: Alliance Leisure Report and previous Leisure Centre report