Bid for a home

You can bid for a Housing Association home when you're on the Housing Register.

The Home-Link website shows homes that are available to let. It is updated weekly.

It explains how to register for the scheme and bid for properties. 

If you don't have internet access, you can use a computer at one of our Customer Service Centres or Community Hubs. 

Please note we no longer own or manage council housing. 

Joining the Housing Register and bidding for a home

To get onto the housing register, you need a 'local connection' to this area. This means you:

  • have been in the area for the last 6 out of 12 months or 3 out of 5 years; or
  • work in the area; or
  • have an immediate family member who has lived in this area for the last 5 years in a row

To join the housing register, you need to register with Homelink.

After you have sent in your supporting documents, you will be banded from A to D. Your banding depends on your circumstances. Once your application is complete and live, you can start bidding on social housing.

The social housing register has a variety of properties. This includes sheltered accommodation for individuals or couples who are aged over 55. Sheltered accommodation is self-contained, but there is help onsite if needed.

There is no set waiting time for properties. Your waiting time depends on your situation and banding. 

Problems bidding on Homelink

If you can't bid on Homelink or need some help to bid, you need to contact Clarion. They run the Housing Register on our behalf. 

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