Public Examination
As part of the examination of the Core Strategy, hearing sessions were held for five days from 9 - 13 December 2013
Core Strategy Submitted
On 4 September 2013, Fenland District Council submitted the Fenland Core Strategy to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government via the Planning Inspectorate. The Fenland Core Strategy contains the planning policies and broad locations for the growth and regeneration of Fenland over the next 20 years.
Inspector Appointed
The Secretary of State appointed Claire Sherratt DIP URP MRTPI as an Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate to examine the Fenland Core Strategy. Her task was to establish whether the Fenland Core Strategy is 'sound', taking all the representations into consideration, and report on her findings.
To assist the Inspector, a Programme Officer at Fenland District Council was appointed - Jo Blackmore.
Post Hearing
Following the hearing sessions in December 2013, the Council prepared schedules of proposed 'minor modifications' and 'main modifications'. 'Minor modifications' are those which would not significantly change the meaning of the Core Strategy and generally include typographical errors or factual updates. 'Main modifications' however are more substantial in that, for example, they would change the meaning of a policy or proposal in the plan.
The Inspector asked that the latest schedule of 'main modifications' be subject to a six week period of consultation. This ran from 14 January 2014 until 5pm 24 February 2014. The Council also invited comments on the 'minor modifications' during this consultation period.
The Inspector considered all comments received in relation to the main modifications (not the minor modifications) prior to issuing her final recommendations in the form of an Inspector's report. Further details on post hearing matters can be found under 'Examination- Post Hearing Matters'.
Inspectors Report Issued
The Inspector provided us with the final report The Planning Inspectorate Report (PDF, 277 KB)
The report included an appendix setting out the Main Modifications required to make the plan sound Fenland Report Main Modifications Appendix (PDF, 633 KB)
The report went to Cabinet on April 24, followed by full Council on May 8 for formal consideration as the new Local Plan.
Library of documents
A comprehensive list of all of the core and background documents is available in our Planning Policy Library.
Examination documents and information
Examination - Post Hearing Matters
- Consultation on the proposed modifications to the Core Strategy: 14th January - 24th February
- The Duty to Cooperate Interim note was issued on 19 December 2013 and published on the website on 23 December 2013. View the Duty to Cooperate - Interim Note (PDF, 17 KB).
Examination - Hearing Matters
- Hearing Matters - Correspondence
- Inspector's Matters and Issues
- Programme for Hearing Sessions
- Hearing Session Statements
Examination - Preliminary Matters
- Preliminary Matters - Correspondence
- Examination Guidance Note (PDF, 127 KB)
- Pre-Hearing Meeting - In her letter received on 25 September, the Inspector advised the Council that a Pre-Hearing meeting in respect of this Examination would not be required.