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Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) Variation - Premises Licence

Change a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)

If you are looking to change the main person responsible for the authorisation of alcohol sales in relation to your premises licence then you will need to complete the below application. The new person being appointed must have a valid Personal Licences

Who can Apply

The application must be made by the Premises licence holder or their agent/representative

Right to Work

It is the responsibility of the Premises Licence Holder to ensure that the person being appointed to act as the DPS has the valid Right to Work documents. More details of this can be found in the legislation

The Immigration (Restrictions on Employment and Residential Accommodation) (Prescribed Requirements and Codes of Practice) and Licensing Act 2003 (Personal and Premises Licences) (Forms) Order 2021

Application Fee

The fee for this application is £23

Document Checklist

Before submitting your application please ensure you have the relevant document and they are ready to be uploaded during the next stage:

Consent of individual to being specified as premises supervisor (Word doc, 40 KB)

How to Apply

Apply online to Change a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)

Alternatively you can download a paper application form: Apply to change a Designated Premises Supervisor (Word doc, 100 KB)

Please note that applying to vary a premises licence to specify an individual asks the licensee to give a copy of the form to the existing premises supervisor. The completed form will contain personal information about the proposed new DPS. Sharing this information would breach the Data Protection Act 1988. The licensee can inform the DPS that the application has been made without sharing specific details of the application. 

How to remove yourself as a DPS

You also need to complete a Section 41 Notice - Remove an individual as a DPS (Word doc, 64 KB) form. Once completed, please email it to to notify us that you no longer wish to be the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) for a specific premises. 



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