Council Services
- Street care and cleansing
- Open Spaces
- Street Pride
- Dog Control - Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)
- Pests
- High Hedges
- Drains
- Toilets
- Green Dog Walkers Scheme
- Food Safety: Information for Customers
- Dogs: lost and stray
- Noise, smoke, smell or light problems
- Boat Moorings
- Service Block (March Town Bridge)
- Sewage Treatment Works and Pumping Stations
- Pollution
- Licensing Public Register
- Licensing Public Consultation
- Taxi Licensing
- Animal Licensing
- Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night refreshment
- Gambling
- House to House Collection
- Pavement Licence
- Street Collecting
- Street Trading
- Scrap Metal Dealer Licence
- Tattooing/Semi Permanent Tattooing, Ear/Body Piercing, Electrolysis and Acupuncture
Council Tax
Council Tax is a form of local taxation. It is charged on all domestic properties and goes towards paying for local services.