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Site Alert: System Maintenance

Due to maintenance, our Public Access (Planning) and Modern Gov (Councillor, Committee and Meeting info) systems may be temporarily unavailable between 1pm and 6pm on Saturday 15 March. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Ex-Armed Forces Personnel

If you're leaving the armed services, or you are a former member, you may be entitled to help if you become homeless.

You will have to provide evidence so the council can determine what housing assistance you may be entitled to.

If you satisfy the relevant legal criteria, we may be required to assist you with emergency or longer-term accommodation.

Help from Forces Resettlement

Housing advice and support is provided in partnership with the Ministry of Defence

Help finding private rented housing

You might be able to get help with a deposit through our Homelessness Prevention Fund, through Discretionary Housing Payments or via the Royal British Legion.

Our website also offers advice on finding private rented accommodation.

Applying as homeless before discharge from the forces

Please contact us if you think you will be homeless after discharge from the armed forces. It would be best to explore your housing options before this happens.

Supported Accommodation

We work with a number of providers who deliver 'Supported Accommodation' for vulnerable persons as well as ex-armed forces personnel.  We may refer you to one of these for assistance.

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