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Young Person Leaving Home

If you do not have to leave home then you should consider your options very carefully before doing so

If you're not at risk of harm where you live then you may not be entitled to help from the Council.  If you have not planned your move you may also not have money for the deposit and rent in advance you often need to secure private rented accommodation.

If you are at risk of harm, ask for help immediately. You will be offered support.

Things to consider

Explore your options first

When you are ready to leave, you will need to decide the type of housing that will suit you best.  A big factor in making this decision will probably be your financial situation.  The cost of running a home is rising and many young people decide to share with others at first to share the rent and bills. Unless you are at risk of harm then seek advice before you decide and don't rush into anything.

If you are having problems at home

Help and support is available. Try to find someone you trust to talk to, such as friends, extended family, or a teacher at your school or college. If the situation becomes worse, see if there is a place you can go to for a night or two to let everyone cool down.

We may be able to provide mediation in your home with your family to talk about the problems.  Remember, if you leave home when you didn't need to and without preparation, you may find yourself in an even worse situation.

If you feel unsafe at home or have no choice and have to leave home immediately, for example because someone is being violent or abusive towards you, you must seek help right away. Organisations that can help include:

  • Childline. They have a free 24 hour support helpline for children and young people. Tel:  0800 1111
  • Womens Aid. They have a free 24 hour helpline for victims of domestic violence. Tel:  0808 2000 247
  • Shelter.  They have a free 24 hour helpline giving information on housing. Tel:  0808 800 4444
  • Centrepoint. Their free helpline gives information on youth housing & homelessness (Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm). Tel:  0808 800 0661

Men can also get targeted help through the Men's Advice Line. Their freephone number is 0808 801 0327. 

What are my options?


If you are staying with friends or more distant relatives, you may be able to claim help with accommodation costs.  Our Housing Options service will be able to tell you more about living as a boarder or lodger and what costs you may be able to claim.

Room Renting

Many young people chose to share accommodation to split costs.  You can search online for rooms to rent or shared houses. 

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