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Care Leavers

There are many organisations ready to support young people who are leaving care, and who are seeking housing advice from us

Find out what help is available for you, ideas for finding somewhere to live, and advice for making a successful home of your own.

Cambridgeshire County Council Leaving Care Team

The County's Social Care team will help care leavers in Cambridgeshire to prepare for becoming an adult and developing your independence. You will be entitled to this support up to the age of 21 (or longer, if you are in full-time education), if you have been 'Looked After' for 13 weeks from the age of 14, and for at least a day following your 16th birthday.

The Leaving Care Team is based at Scott House, 5 George Street, Huntingdon. PE29 3AD. You can call them on 01480 372463.

Staying Close, Staying Connected

Staying Close, Staying Connected is a project focused on supported young people leaving residential care in Cambridgeshire and Norfolk. The project provides Moving On Houses and work with care leavers up to the age of 25. They also offer help with training and employment opportunities.

You can call the team on 01603 670 100 or email

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