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Whittlesey Relief Road Consultation

We invited views on initial options identified as part of the Whittlesey Relief Road Project, which aims to address traffic issues and boost future growth and connectivity in the area.

The consultation was the first to be held as part of the project and was held from Wednesday 23 October to Friday 22 November.

Feedback on the options will be used to inform the final option designs for inclusion in a Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC), which will be completed in early 2025.

The SOBC is a crucial piece of work that will examine a range of transport solutions, assess whether the relief road is the best option to push forward - and be used to help secure the necessary government funding to make it happen.

Consultants Mott McDonald are working on the SOBC with officers from Fenland District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, the Environment Agency and various transport providers.

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