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Excitement as St George's Fayre makes a return to the heart of March town centre

Preparations are in full swing for this year's St George's Fayre, in March town, which will be packed with new and favourite attractions.

St Georges Festival parade 2024

The event takes place, 10am to 4pm, on Sunday, April 27, 2025, and will be returning to the new-look regenerated town centre.

Stallholders have until Friday, March 28, to book to come along to the event which attracts thousands of visitors. Spaces for catering stalls have already been allocated.

Market Place, Broad Street and West End Park will be filled with attractions on the day and closed to motorists. Activities will also be hosted inside March library, in City Road, and March Museum, in High Street.

Cllr Peter Murphy, Fenland District Council portfolio holder for markets and events, said: "This event is one of the highlights of the Fenland calendar and a fantastic partnership between so many committed organisations who strive to make it the wonder it is.

"We look forward to seeing it back in the heart of the new-look town centre."

Cllr Jan French, deputy leader of Fenland District Council and chair of March Events Committee, said: "Every year the people of March come out to support and enjoy this event. It's our privilege to provide this event which brings together the whole community and creates wonderful opportunities for businesses and showcases March."

Parade sets off at 10am

The fayre kicks off with a parade to the town centre, leaving from March Community Centre, Robingoodfellow's Lane, at 10am. MarketPlace Arts is this year co-creating the parade with community groups from March with opportunities for the public to get involved.

St George's Fayre is being organised by Fenland District Council in partnership with March Events Committee and supported by partners including March Town Council, MarketPlace Arts, March Library, March Museum, St Peter's Church, The Library Presents and 20Twenty Productions.

More than 100 stalls, street food, live entertainment, street performers and amusements

MarketPlace Arts is providing a full day creative programme on March Market Place, which will be a hub of arts activities, workshops and performances for all ages.  Additionally, in the build up to St George's Fayre, community groups and individuals can participate in workshops to make banners and large-scale puppets for the parade, which will take inspiration from March and springtime. 

For the past two years, St Georges Fayre adopted the name of St George's Festival when it had a slightly different look and format during town centre works, but this year reverts to be known as St George's Fayre.

There will be more than 100 stalls, street food and live entertainment, storytelling, street performers, amusements and much more.

Activities in March Library are set to include craft stalls and family arts.

Road closures

Parking in the town centre is limited and visitors are encouraged to walk, cycle or travel by public transport where possible. March train station is a 15-minute walk from the event.

Some town centre roads will be closed from 5am to 7.30pm. Road closures will be advertised closer to the time.

All Fenland District Council town centre car parks, barring Market Place and George Campbell Leisure Centre car park, will be open throughout, including City Road and Darthill Road.

To book a stall, visit: Fenland Four Seasons Events

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March 2025

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