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Site Alert: System Maintenance

Due to maintenance, our Public Access (Planning) and Modern Gov (Councillor, Committee and Meeting info) systems may be temporarily unavailable between 1pm and 6pm on Saturday 15 March. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Councillors, Committees and Meetings

Information about local councils, meetings and decision making

Find out information about the District's 43 councillors, together with the dates, agendas, minutes and reports of the meetings held for the various committees that your councillors serve on.  

You can also look at the important decisions the Council is making over the next four months and the decisions that have been taken by portfolio holders.

You can also submit E-Petitions for the Council to consider a particular matter or to take a specified course of action.  We welcome E-Petitions and recognise that this is one way in which local people can raise concern.

Committee Meetings, Agenda and Minutes

Information about Council, Cabinet and committee meetings

Your Councillors

Find out about your local Councillor

Town and Parish Councils

Find out about your Town and Parish Councils

Portfolio Holder and Officer Decisions

Details of decisions made


How to submit a petition to the Council


The Constitution explains how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures that are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people

Outside Bodies

There are a number of organisations that are independent from the Council but have an impact on its services

Complain about a Councillor (Member Conduct)

You can make a complaint if you believe a Fenland District, Town or Parish Councillor has breached the Code of Conduct

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