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Discretionary Heating Grants

Help is available from our Better Care Fund for heating repairs or improvements

We are offering discretionary grant assistance to cover some, or all, of the cost of replacing broken or inefficient household boilers and electric storage heaters.

The grant can also cover the cost of installing first time central heating if you do not have it. 

The scheme is available to Fenland residents who own their property and have bills and benefits registered to that address. Homeowners must also receive a means-tested benefit to qualify for the scheme or have a low household income with high energy bills.

Funding for these grants is limited. 

Who Can Apply

The scheme is only available to homeowners who:

  • receive a means-tested benefit or
  • have a low household income with high energy bills

Elderly residents, those with a young family, pregnant women or residents with a health condition made worse by the cold, could also qualify for funding.

To qualify for the grant, you must own the property and have bills and benefits registered at your address. If you live in a social rented property and your boiler or heating isn't working properly, you should contact your housing association to make them aware of the problem. If you are renting privately, you will need to contact your landlord or letting agency. 

How to Apply

Due to high demand, we are no longer accepting applications. Further rounds of grant funding will be publicised via our news page and social media.

If you need support with your application, please email or call 01354 654321.

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