Land Charges

Local Land Charges Programme update 

Fenland District Council worked with HM Land Registry and migrated our local land charges register to their central digital register. This was completed on Tuesday 6 September 2022.

For LLC1 searches you can now access the new digital service through the HM Land Registry Portal, Business Gateway and on HM Land Registry's page at GOV.UK  

Fenland District Council will continue to provide replies to CON29 enquiries.

It is important to remember to only submit the required fee to us. Updated fees can be found here: FDC Local Authority Search Fees from 1 April 2024 (PDF, 144 KB)

Submitting a search

It is important to have an official local authority search carried out when buying property or land. This will reveal information that affects the property.

A full search consists of a LLC1 and a CON29.

Most searches are carried out by Solicitors or Conveyance companies on the purchasers' behalf. 

We can receive CON29 searches through:

You can also submit a CON29 search by emailing us at landcharges

When submitting a search by to us by email, please attach your official search documents and a copy of the plan with the area clearly marked. You'll then receive a reference and our BACS details to make payment. 

Searches received before noon will be processed the same day. Searches received after noon will be processed the next day.

We aim to return searches within 10 working days. 

Questions you can ask

You can ask specific questions about the property or adjacent land using the CON29O (Optional) form.

When completing a local authority search, there are an extra 19 questions you can ask. Topics include:

  • road proposals (e.g. new roads or traffic schemes)
  • pipeline information
  • public footpaths or bridle ways information
  • environmental or pollution notices

We can also answer supplementary questions not included in your normal search. 

The public can view the same information as external search companies. You need to check your building society or bank will accept a search undertaken by yourself or external company.

Searches undertaken by the public or external search companies are not covered by our insurance. 

Guidance relating to Box C of the CON29

Details of roadways, footways or footpaths which abut or directly give access to (or means of escape) from the property but are not included in the main address in Box B can be put in Box C. A maximum of 3 roads are allowed.  

Roads must be named. If a road has no name or is known by a variety of local names, it must be clearly marked on the attached plan. Mark it through colour or hatching. 

The terms "all roads abutting" or "all roads in the vicinity" cannot be used for identification. 

Highlighted verges or areas in front of the property will be subject to an additional highways search request. Details and fee information can be found on the Cambridgeshire Highways website. Plans for this purpose should be an up-to-date Ordinance Survey extract. 

Personal searches

A personal search is an inspection of the Local Land Charges register.

Following the completion of the Local Land Charges Programme to migrate our local land charges register to HM Land Registry's central digital register, you should now access this service through the HM Land Registry Portal, business Gateway and on HM Land Registry's page at GOV.UK  

Contact the team

You can contact our Land Charges team by emailing land charges or calling 01354 654321. 

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