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How to deal with common types of pests

The Council does not provide a pest control service.

You are responsible for keeping your land and buildings free from vermin. If your property has an infestation, please contact a pest control expert. Local pest control services can be found through the National Pest Technicians Association or British Pest Control Association.

Protected animals or animals that aren't pests

Some animals are not considered to be a pest or are protected by UK law. Examples of these include:

  • Bees. For environmental reasons, bees must only be treated for health and safety reasons e.g if a vulnerable person is at risk. The British Beekeepers Association has information about bee keepers who may collect the bees for a fee.
  • Bats. All UK bats are protected by law. It is a criminal offence to kill them, injure them or destroy/obstruct access to their roosts. Natural England can offer advice on what to do if you need to move bats or a bat roost.
  • Birds. It is a criminal offence to kill, injure or take any wild bird. It is also an offence to damage or remove their nests, or disturb them whilst they are breeding. The bird breeding season usually lasts from March to August. Work can usually be done outside of this season after the young birds have left their nest.
  • Gulls are protected by law. Licenses can be issued to allow nests and eggs to be destroyed. This is only to prevent serious damage to agriculture, preserve public health and air safety or to conserve other wild birds. It is illegal to disturb or remove nests or eggs during the breeding season. This is usually from April to June.

If you're not sure about what is classed as a pest, or how to deal with a pest, please contact our Environmental Health team at or by calling 01354 654321.

Pests in filthy properties

Please contact us if you are being affected by a property that:

  • is infested with rats, mice, insects or parasites; or
  • has large amounts of rotting food or excrement; or
  • is hoarding large amounts of material that could present a physical or fire risk

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