Planning pre-application service
For a small fee, we can offer advice on your planning application before it is submitted to us
Our pre-application service
As part of our pre-application service, we can indicate to you whether your proposal is acceptable. We will also explain what supporting information you will need to submit with your planning application.
If your proposal is unacceptable, we will explain why. We can also explain what changes could be made in order to make your proposal more acceptable.
Please note that this service does not include consultations with any organisations outside of Fenland District Council. This is because the majority of these charge for their advice, which is not included within our fee. We will not consult Town Councils, Parish Councils or neighbouring properties.
To ask us for pre-application advice, please complete the request form (PDF, 196 KB) and return it with the relevant fee (PDF, 234 KB).
Please note that if you withdraw your pre-application enquiry before a response is provided by us, we may be able to offer a part refund on the fee you paid, dependant on the extent of work carried out on on the enquiry.
Response times
We aim to respond within 42 days for Major proposals and 21 days for Other or Minor proposals.
If our internal consultees or Cambridgeshire County Council Highways do not respond promptly, we may provide you with a reply on a 'subject to' basis. This reply will be updated once we receive their information.
When pre-application advice can't be taken into account
When deciding a subsequent planning application, we cannot give any weight to pre-application advice if:
- it is over one year old; or
- it was given before a significant change in policy or circumstances; or
- a consultee has raised significant issues relating to the proposal
Public availability of pre-application information
We will not publish pre-application information for the public to view. However, we must provide it if we receive a Freedom of Information Request.