Complaints, Compliments or Comments

We aim to provide services to a high standard and your feedback is important to us

For more information about how we manage complaints, correspondence and compliments (known as '3Cs'), please read our 3Cs pack (PDF, 765 KB). This explains how long it will take us to contact you and how our 3Cs process works. 

Our 3Cs Annual Report explains how we are performing and the level of service our customers can expect if they contact us. 

Make a complaint

We take complaints very seriously and will ensure they are investigated properly


We welcome your views or suggestions so we can improve our services

Give a compliment

Received particularly good service? Please tell us. We will pass your feedback onto the person or team involved

3C's Policy and Procedure

Find out what to expect when you contact us and how we manage complaints, compliments and correspondence

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