Agenda item

Land North East of 53 The Chase, Leverington, Cambridgeshire

Erection of 10 dwellings


The Committee had regards to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04 refers) during its deliberations.


David Rowen presented the report and update to members.


Members received a presentation in support of the application, in accordance with the Public Participation Procedure, by James Burton (the Applicant’s Agent).


James Burton explained that the scheme had evolved throughout the pre-application and application process and had carefully considered all comments raised by residents and the Parish Council. He confirmed that they had worked closely with officers and the consultees to ensure the proposal complied with all policy requirements. As a result of this, they have received no objections from consultees and have officer’s support on the application. The site has a positive planning history and is located within the urban development area of Wisbech. The site sits predominately in Flood Zone 2 with a marginal area along The Chase in Flood Zone 3; however the proposed dwellings are all located within Flood Zone 2 and the Sequential and Exception tests have been deemed satisfactory.

James Burton said the proposed scheme comprises of 10 dwellings with a mixture of 4-6 bedroom family homes split over 2 to 2.5 storeys. This is a reduction from the 16 dwellings approved with outline planning permission in 2009 and as a result, allows for a high-quality scheme that retains trees, green spaces and habitats throughout the site. He confirmed that the site had been configured to ensure the 2.5 storey dwellings will be positioned away from neighbouring properties to ensure that the amenities on these residents is not impacted. In addition, the 2.5 storey dwellings will be screened from view by trees.


James Burton highlighted that the proposed layout technically splits the site in half, this has been a conscious decision to ensure the impact on the Highway is minimised. He reminded members that the Highways officer is happy with the proposed access point for the site and confirmed that Topographical and Level surveys have been submitted with the application. He said throughout the process they have listened to any comments or concerns and as a result there has been a reduction from 11 to 10 units, a reduction in scale of the buildings and an updated site layout to give greater distance between neighbouring boundaries. Following work with Highways, the Local Lead Flood Authority (LLFA), North Level Internal Drainage Board and Tree and Wildlife officers, they have managed to design a scheme that has achieved an officer’s recommendation for approval.


He concluded that the proposed dwellings will provide high-quality family homes in a sustainable location within the urban area of a primary market town and asked members to support the application today.


Members had no questions for James Burton.


Members asked questions, made comments and received responses as follows;


1.    Councillor Mrs Laws confirmed that any concerns she had in relation to consultee’s comments had been satisfied by the proposed conditions.

2.    Councillor Mrs Laws asked if Highways are satisfied with the proposal. David Rowen confirmed that the Highways Authority had been involved in several reiterations of the scheme and they are now happy with the proposal.

3.    Councillor Mrs Davis said it was disappointing that only £20,000 had been offered as part of the Section 106 (S106) contribution and said it seemed disproportionate for a scheme of this size.

4.    Councillor Connor agreed with Councillor Mrs Davis and said the amount seemed minimal for a site of executive homes.

5.    Councillor Mrs Bligh asked if the money allocated in the S106 agreement would be given to Leverington Parish Council. David Rowen confirmed that the money will be used to fund a Multi-Use Game Area in Burcroft Road.

6.    Councillor Mrs Bligh said that whilst she is in support of the scheme, she has concerns over the impact of increased traffic the development will add to Peatlings Lane and asked if Highways had carried out a study on this. David Rowen said he is not aware of the surveys Highways carry out during their assessment however they have given no feedback to suggest the application should be refused.

7.    Councillor Sutton asked for confirmation that Burcroft Road is located within Leverington Parish and if not, asked why the S106 money is not going to Leverington Parish Council. It was confirmed that Burcroft Road is located within the parish of Leverington.


Proposed by Councillor Mrs Laws, seconded by Councillor Connor and decided that the application be APPROVED as per officer’s recommendation.


(Councillor Mrs Laws declared that she had received an email querying the consultation process for this application and had responded clarifying this process)

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