Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 20th June, 2018 1.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ

Contact: Jo Goodrum  Member Services and Governance Officer

No. Item


Previous Minutes pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To confirm and sign the minutes from the previous meeting of 23 May 2018.


The minutes of the previous meeting of 23 May 2018 were agreed and signed as a true and accurate record.


Site of Former Eastfield Nursery, Eastrea Road, Whittlesey
Erection of 169 x dwellings (max) (Outline with matters committed in respect of access only)

To determine the application.


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (minute P19/04 refers)) during its deliberations.


Graham Smith presented the application to Members and explained as it is an outline planning application, the applicant only has to provide an indicative layout and this demonstrates that they can accommodate up to 169 houses and includes provision for play areas and SUDS features.  The proposed access into the site complies with engineering requirements as sought by the local highway authority.  Mr Smith presented the overhead slides to Members and outlined details including the footpath from the existing housing which goes around the site.  The site is a brownfield site on the edge of Whittlesey and is considered a sustainable location. The proposal cannot provide policy compliant levels of signing for affordable housing and the applicant has provided a viability assessment which has been assessed by the Section 106 Officer who has agreed its findings and therefore the significant education request from County Council.  The application is recommended for approval subject to conditions attached and signing of the Section 106 Agreement.


Members received a presentation in accordance with the public participation procedure from Mr Struan Power, from Taylor Wimpey.  The application has been submitted in line with the allocation for residential development under Policy LP11 of the Local Plan.  The application will deliver new homes on the brownfield site and provides a range of family housing comprising of 169 homes.  The homes will provide spacious gardens and surrounding open space and there will also be a children’s play area on the site.  The subsequent reserved matters application will be submitted without delay.


Councillor Mrs Laws asked Mr Power whether he was present when Taylor Wimpey presented to Whittlesey Town Council in 2016.  Mr Power confirmed he was present at that meeting.  Councillor Mrs Laws commented that although Whittlesey Town Council are not objecting to this application because they would like to see the site come forward, several things were mentioned at the meeting in 2016, which she does not think that Taylor Wimpey have taken into consideration. One of these items is over intensification and at the time Councillor Mrs Laws recalls the proposal was for 160 houses as opposed to 169.  The Town Council thought that 120 homes would be adequate.  At the south of the site there are bungalows and it was requested at the time from local residents that bungalows would be built at that location. The third item was that a pedestrian footway would be constructed from Diana Close and this would not be opened up for vehicles. Councillor Mrs Laws asked what has happened to those three points.


Mr Power responded to Councillor Mrs Laws that as far as he has been involved with the project the scheme has always been for 169 units and the layout before Members today is the same layout that was presented to Whittlesey Town Council in 2016.  Mr Power takes on  ...  view the full minutes text for item P2/18


Site of former Gas Distribution Centre, Gas Road, March
Erection of 19 dwellings comprising 1 single-storey 2-bed; 5 x 2-storey 2-bed; 5 x 3-storey 3-bed and 8 flats;comprising of a 3-storey apartment block consisting of 6 x 2-bed flats and 2 x 1-bed flats, cyclestore, binstore and parking area

To determine the application.


The committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (Minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.


Graham Smith presented the application to Members and informed them that in addition to the update they had received a further representation of objection had been received from a resident in Upwell Road, relating to the prevention of pollution to the surrounding area.  Graham advised Members that the Health and Safety Executive have been communicated with throughout the application process and have no objection to the proposal.  The Council’s Environmental Health Team have also reviewed the concerns raised by the objector with regard to partial completion of the site and have concluded that planning condition 4 which is attached to the application gives the Council the authority to address the issues of partial completion and therefore the ability to deal with any contamination throughout the development and therefore the Officers recommendation is unaffected by this further representation.  Graham Smith highlighted to Members that the site is contaminated and has a high pressure gas pipe which crosses the site.  The application has addressed health and safety requirements and the area that must not be developed due to an exclusion zone.  The Health and Safety Executive are happy with the proposal and additional conditions that are attached provide further protective measures for the pipeline.  With regard to contamination it is a highly contaminated site and the contaminated land survey which has been carried out has been assessed by the Council’s Environmental Health Officer and has highlighted two planning conditions, one of which is the requirement for decontamination works and the second one is the requirement for a construction management plan, which will give the Council the ability to monitor the construction phase at it takes place.  With regard to the viability assessment that the developer has submitted that the site would not be viable to provide policy compliant levels of affordable housing, however the applicant has agreed to provide a contribution towards affordable housing and works to play areas or other local amenities in West End Park.


Members received a presentation in accordance with the public participation procedure from Mr Caruso the acting agent on behalf of the Applicant.  Mr Caruso explained that the proposed site was purchased in a portfolio of five sites from National Grid in 2015.  The layout of the site has been designed with the help of the Health and Safety Executive and the Gas Company over many months who are both in support of the scheme.  Each of the homes will have parking spaces and gardens and Gas Road will have a footpath in front of the site for the first time providing safe access for pedestrians.  The Council has proposed a range of conditions to ensure the construction activity on the site is controlled to protect the local residents and workers.  A contribution will be made towards local open space facilities by a legal agreement.


Councillor Connor asked for clarification  ...  view the full minutes text for item P3/18


March Cold Stores Limited, 20 -24 Marwick Road, March
Erection of a cold storage building including plant rooms, 6no loading docks, 14no vehicle charging points, 2no condensers and new hardstanding area

To determine the application.


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (Minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.


Graham Smith presented the application to Members and explained it had been brought before Members to determine due to the fact that there had been more than 6 letters of objection received.  Mr Smith highlighted to members the linear strip of land which is land attached to the garden area of 160 Elm Road.  Graham Smith highlighted to members the proximity of the residential properties to the eastern edge of the site.  The proposed additional planting was pointed out and highlighted the elevations of the building.  The original application had been submitted and was only 28 metres from the proposed end elevation to the site boundary and a request was submitted to the applicant and an amended scheme was submitted and there is now a separation distance of between 60 and 68 metres to the rear windows of the residential properties.  The lighting plan was pointed out to members and the proposed lighting at the rear of the premises which will be at a height of 2 metres and they will be down lighters. This lighting is considered to have little impact on nearby neighbours.  In terms of loss of light, the Council does not have its own design standards in terms of separation distances so the BRE guidance which suggests that facing buildings can go up to an angle of 25 degrees which is considered to be acceptable.  This proposal demonstrates would be approximately 10 degrees and would be compliant with BRE standards.


Graham Smith highlighted to Members the indicative junction improvement which shows the junction of Marwick Road and Elm Road and the proposed widening of the highway, and as it is only indicative currently it has planning conditions attached requiring the provision of this and the details to be submitted.  The Environmental Health Officer has considered the applicants noise assessment and has requested an acoustic barrier to be provided on the northern boundary and this has been included in the planning conditions. The applicants have also offered to provide a contribution towards the existing TRO in terms of prohibiting parking near the junction with Elm Road and Marwick Road and this is proposed to be part of a Section 106 contribution and the highways improvements to the junction are considered to alleviate the exiting difficulties of large vehicles coming out of the junction.


Members made comments and asked questions as follows:


·         Councillor Mrs Laws commented that when Members attended the site visit it was noted that the area where the HGV come in is very dusty and asked whether there will be a water bowser or whether the applicant will be considering tarmacking the area.

·         Councillor Connor stated that he was happy with what he observed on the site visit and what he has heard today and industry is needed in March.

·         Councillor Murphy stated he was also concerned with the  ...  view the full minutes text for item P4/18


Land East and West of Isle of Ely Way, South of River Nene, Gaul Road, March
Change of use of agricultural land to surface water lagoon, and associated drainage works

To determine the application.


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (Minute P19/04)) during its deliberations.


David Rowen presented the application to Members which is for change of use of agricultural land to a surface water lagoon with associated drainage works.  At the present time the site is 5.75 hectares in size and is uncultivated land and the proposal is to take surface water from Willow Green residential development and utilise an existing ditch with some improvement works and a culvert under the A141.  There is a proposal of a vehicle access to the site from Gaul Road with an outfall ditch.  Mr Rowen advised Members that as part of the Willow Green planning permission in 2009 this drainage arrangement was indicated as part of that.  The lagoon has also been designed to accommodate any additional flows which would arise from further future development on Gaul Road as well as being intended to accommodate flows from the existing Middle Level drainage network.  Mr Rowen indicated to Members on the overhead presentation the lagoon configuration which is a series of ditches which would be allowed to flood in the middle in times of high water.  The scheme has been designed in conjunction with Middle Level Internal Drainage Board and once constructed this will be adopted by them.


Members received a presentation in accordance with the public participation procedure from Mr Hodson, the applicants agent who explained he has been dealing with the three outstanding elements one of which is the drainage scheme.  The highway works will commence on the 2 July and the Countryside Park which is part of the Section 106 Agreement which will be with the Planning Department in due course.


Councillor Mrs Laws asked for clarification with regard to the consultation on the design of the lagoon whether it will be sloped or stepped as she has concerns with regard to it being an area where children may be drawn to.  Mr Hodson stated that he was not the engineer who designed it but for most of the year it is anticipated it will remain dry, however this will be looked at.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Sutton declared that he is a Member representative who sits on the Middle Level Internal Drainage Board but has taken no part in any of the discussions surrounding this application.

·         Councillor Mrs Hay commented that the traffic lights were approved in July 2016 and she cannot see the point of constructing the lagoon at the same time as the Gaul Road traffic lights as this will cause more traffic problems and she would feel happier if there was a condition that the construction of the lagoon should not start until after the traffic lights are in place.

·         Mr Harding stated that he does not believe that it would be an appropriate condition to place on any consent that is granted due to the fact  ...  view the full minutes text for item P5/18


Westhaven Nursery, Peterborough Road, Whittlesey
Reserved Matters application relating to detailed matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to outline permission F/YR14/0183/O, Erection of 68 x 2-storey dwellings comprising of 4 x 1-bed, 20 x 2-bed, 42 x 3-bed, 2 x 4-bed with Public Open Spaces and Play Area

To determine the application.


The Chairman reported that this item had been withdrawn from today’s Planning Committee.


Land South of 31-33 Lake Close, March
Erection of 8 x dwellings comprising of 2 x 3-storey 3-bed, 2 x 2-storey 4-bed, 2 x 2-storey 3-bed and 2 x single-storey 3-bed

To determine the application.


The Committee had regard to its inspection of the site (as agreed in accordance with the Site Inspection: Policy and Procedure (Minute P19/04 refers)) during its deliberations.


David Rowen presented the application to Members which is for the erection of 8 dwellings and referred Members attention to the update report. The application proposes the extension of Lake Close and this was highlighted to Members on the power point presentation.  David Rowen highlighted to Members that the western half of the site already has planning permission for the erection of four dwellings.  The proposal is for a range of house type proposed, predominately 2 storey but also with some 1.5 storey and also a couple of bungalows.  Mr Rowen drew Members attention to the relationship between the development and the property 4 Gilbert Row which fronts onto West End.  No objections have been received from that property in respect of the relationship which is to the side of unit 6.  A number of the objections that have been received to this application including the Town Council who have raised the issue of flooding and drainage, however the previous granted planning permission on the western half of the site contained a condition requiring details of surface water drainage to be submitted and if Members are minded to grant planning approval today a similar condition could be added as an acceptable solution can be achieved subject to a detailed surface water strategy being presented.  David Rowen stated that if the application is approved then an addition to the planning condition would be required to state the materials to be used and one requiring the details of the management and maintenance to the roads to be submitted and agreed.


Members received a presentation in accordance with the public participation procedure from Mr Adam Sutton, the applicants’ agent.  Mr Sutton explained that the Planning Officer has assessed the application and half of the site has approval albeit with a condition concerning surface water drainage.  Mr Sutton commented that applications have been made in terms of getting the road adopted.  The site forms a natural progression from Lake Close and finishes the development off and this has been discussed with Planning Officers from the outset with the pre application meeting.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Court asked whether there is an issue with flooding at this site. David Rowen stated that the site is within flood zone 1 which is the lowest risk of flooding.  Some of the objections that have been received refer to an incident on the site in 2014/15 where there was a particularly intense rainfall event.  If there are surface water issues these can be adequately addressed through a detailed engineering scheme and that is why a condition to that effect is recommended.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws commented that normally a developer will complete a development and then there is normally a period of grace, however she cannot understand why the developer has now applied for an  ...  view the full minutes text for item P7/18


Statement of Community Involvement

To seek comments on the draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) prior to it being considered by Cabinet for adoption.


Mr Harding presented the Statement of Community Involvement to Members which sets out the District Council’s approach to community engagement in respect of dealing with planning applications, the local plan and other planning policy documents that we may send out for consultation and the production of neighbourhood plans.  Under new government legislation the Local Authority is required to periodically review our Statement of Community Involvement and our current version was adopted in 2013, it is now due for review.  Mr Harding advised Members that the document has not changed significantly since the 2013 version was produced and he highlighted the approach in terms of consultation on planning applications it remains the same as it is at present in terms of how far we circulate neighbourhood notification letters, in what circumstances we advertise site notices and in what circumstances we advertise in the local newspaper.  There is an area where there is a change is in respect of neighbourhood plans and that is to ensure we are compliant with what is set out in the new legislation in connection with neighbourhood plans. Mr Harding asked Committee Members to consider the document and if there are any suggested revisions to it then these will be passed on to Cabinet for its consideration before the matter goes out to public consultation.


Members made comments, asked questions and received responses as follows:


·         Councillor Sutton commented that the one complaint he is often contacted about is to do with boundary issues and he wonders whether this can be considered within the document.

·         Councillor Mrs Davis agrees as she also receives the same queries and complaints.

·         The Chairman agreed and wonders whether it will prudent for Officers to consider a circle within a specific radius around the property is notified. County Council operate this scheme with a 250 yard radius.

·         Mr Harding commented that County Council do not deal with many planning applications and those that they do deal with are often waste applications and school applications.  Mr Harding commented that the printing and post cost implications need to be considered if the radius is extended, in terms of the number of properties, road, frontage and common boundary consultations and he suggested that it may be worth considering consulting the one that abuts the property and then the next property.

·         Councillor Mrs Laws commented that maybe affixing notices to street lights could be considered.

·         David Rowen commented that it is worth noting that the Development Management Procedure Order states what the Local Authority statutorily has to do in terms of neighbourhood notifications which is properties that immediately join the application site.

·         Mr Harding stated that the issue with notices on street lights is that the letters are sent out first they will be dated which stipulate 21 days to respond and the site notice may not be displayed at the same time and will have a different date on it, which can cause confusion.

·         Councillor Mrs Davis commented that at the bottom of page 126 there  ...  view the full minutes text for item P8/18