Bid for a home

You can bid for a Housing Association home when you're on the Housing Register.

Bin collection days

Check when your bin(s) will be emptied

Blue bin (recycling)

For recyclable items including cardboard, paper, aerosols, cans, tins, glass and plastics


Advice on having bonfires and what to do if you need to make a complaint

Broken glass

Our cleansing team will remove broken glass on public land

Brown bin (garden waste)

Your brown bin is for garden waste

Building Control

Building regulations are minimum standards for design, construction and alterations. CNC delivers our building control service on our behalf

Bulky Waste Collection

We can collect items that are too big for your wheeled bin

Business Plan

Our Business Plan sets out the projects we will deliver across Fenland over the next 12 months. Its overall aim is to address social, environmental and economic needs in order to improve the quality of life for local people

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