Dangerous Wild Animals
You must hold a licence from us if you wish to keep a dangerous wild animal (other than at a licensed zoo or specialist pet shop, a circus or a scientific institution), under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976
Dead animals
Report dead animals found on public land or roads
Development Plan
The Fenland Local Plan (May 2014), the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan (July 2021) and 'made' Neighbourhood Plans, comprise Fenland's Development Plan. Collectively, they set out policies that the Council uses to make decisions on planning applications.
Disabled Facilities Grants
Adaptions to help you stay living independently at home
Dog fouling
It is illegal to let your dog (or a dog in your care) foul on designated land and not clear up after them.
Dogs: lost and stray
How to deal with lost or stray dogs, unwanted pets, where to turn for issues with dangerous dogs and advice for XL Bully owners.
How to deal with blocked drains and flooding