Building Control

Building regulations are minimum standards for design, construction and alterations. CNC delivers our building control service on our behalf

Most building projects need to comply with building regulations. Types of projects include internal alterations, extensions and new builds. 

The majority of building work needs building regulations approval and planning permission. These are two different things - you need to apply separately for each.

We deliver our Building Control services as part of CNC Building Control. This is a partnership between ourselves, South Norfolk Council, Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council.

Contact CNC

Please contact CNC directly for all building control enquiries. You can:

Their offices are based at The Boathouse Business Centre, 1 Harbour Square, Wisbech, Cambs, PE13 3BH. 

Dangerous Structures

A dangerous structure or part of a building, which is unable to sustain or carry any imposed loads, may be dangerous, and may be required to be removed.

The term 'dangerous structure' covers not only buildings or parts of buildings ie loose slates or tiles, but also such things as garden walls. In fact, any structure, which could by its condition endanger persons.

If you have concerns about a dangerous structure, please contact CNC directly.


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