Volunteering Groups

Are you interested in volunteering in Fenland?

Volunteering in your local community is a fantastic way to meet new people, learn new skills, gain confidence and make a real difference in your area.

Below you will find a list of local organisations, partners and community groups that offer volunteering opportunities within the Fenland area.

Children & Youth

Girl Guiding

Members are involved in an incredibly diverse range of activities, from girl-led meetings to volunteering in developing countries. Girls form close friendships, grow in self-confidence, gain new experiences - and have fun!



A wide range of adult volunteering roles are available with the Scouts, this can be working directly with the young people or in support roles that cover everything from finance to photography to websites and training.



Community Organisations

Oasis Centre Wisbech

Volunteers at the Oasis Centre help out with events and Waterlees in Bloom work, which includes litter picking, planting and weeding.


Rosmini Centre

The Rosmini Centre is a community-based organisation focused on helping make the world around a better, happier place. Volunteers organise fundraisers, exciting community-building events, and in-depth training sessions.


Rotary Club

The Rotary Clubs in March, Wisbech, Chatteris and Whittlesey are active in a broad sphere of charitable works for the community. There is also a very active social side, from festive functions, and visit to places of interest both near and far. Membership is open to all. 


Lions Clubs

If you're interested in helping your local community, volunteering, fund-raising, organising projects, using your talents, gaining new skills, making friends and having fun - you can do all of this and more as a Lions Club member or volunteer. Clubs are currently running in March & Chatteris, Whittlesey and Wisbech.



Community Safety

Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service

Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service offers a variety of different volunteering opportunities.


Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch is not just about crime awareness. By becoming a member you have taken the first step to making the area that you live a stronger and safer place to be.


Volunteering with the Police

There are many volunteering opportunities in the police. Find out how you can contribute to improving public safety and the criminal justice process by working or volunteering in policing.


Cambridgeshire Countryside Watch

Cambridgeshire Countryside Watch aims to reduce crime and the fear of crime in rural areas. They work with the National Farmers Union and other rural agencies and businesses to tackle rural crime together.


Cambridgeshire Horse Watch

Horse Watch offers information and advice to horse owners and riders to reduce equine crime in Cambridgeshire and forms part of the National Horsewatch Alliance.


Cambridgeshire Boat Watch

Cambridgeshire Boat Watch is dedicated to reducing crime and anti-social behaviour around our waterways to make boating safe and enjoyable for all.

For more information, email:


Community Support

Age UK

There are many volunteering opportunities with Age UK that include telephone befriending and shopping schemes for elderly vulnerable people.


Care Network

Care Network is a Cambridgeshire charity working with local people to help them stay healthy, independent and in touch with their community.


Citizens Advice

Volunteering with Citizens Advice is a great way to learn something new and give back to your local community in either East Cambridgeshire, Fenland or Huntingdonshire.


FACT Befriending Groups

Volunteer with FACT in befriending groups and wellbeing support in Fenland.

FACT Cambs

The Trussell Trust

Whether you want to commit a few days a week or a few hours a month, your support can make a real difference at a local foodbank.


Richmond Fellowship

The Richmond Fellowship provides residential, supported housing and employment services for people with mental ill health in Cambridgeshire.


Cambridgeshire Libraries

Volunteering with your local library is a great way to make new friends, inspire others and make a difference!



Community Transport

Community Car Schemes

Community Car Schemes are for people who have difficulty using public transport or have no access to public transport. They offer organised door-to-door lifts for people who have no other way of making essential medical or social journeys. 


FACT Community Transport

FACT collect and deliver essential shopping and prescriptions for vulnerable members of the community.

FACT Cambs



Street Pride and In Bloom Groups

Street Pride and In Bloom groups give volunteers the opportunity to make a difference to their local environment by holding clean up events and getting involved in environmental enhancement projects.


School Pride

Young people are the Street Priders of the future. By carrying out activities where they live, pupils learn about the impact they have on their surroundings and what they can do to improve it.


Green Dog Walker Scheme

The Green Dog Walkers Scheme is a non-confrontational and friendly way to change attitudes about dog fouling. It encourages responsible dog ownership whilst reminding owners that they need to pick up after their dog has fouled and keep them under control.


Getting It Sorted

Getting It Sorted volunteers promote recycling in Fenland through events, recycling checks, providing advice and raising awareness.



CCORRN is a social enterprise that rescues resources like paint, craft materials, food, toiletries and business surplus for members to creatively reuse them.


Paws Protect

Cats Protection offers a free and confidential temporary fostering service for people experiencing domestic abuse so they can rest assured their cat will be taken care of until they can be safely reunited.



Historical Interest

Chatteris Museum

Chatteris Museum is entirely run by volunteers and there is always a need for more people to help with cataloguing, research, setting up displays, promoting events, D.I.Y or greeting our visitors.


March Museum

There are plenty of ways to get involved with your local museum, volunteers play a vital role, both front of house and behind the scenes.


Wisbech & Fenland Museum and the
Wisbech & Fenland Museum Friends

Volunteers will be involved in a range of aspects of the museum operations, its planning and engagement.


Whittlesey Museum

Whittlesey Museum relies on volunteers in every aspect of museum life and a wide range of roles are available.



Road Safety


Cambridgeshire Community Speedwatch is coordinated by Cambridgeshire Constabulary in partnership with local councils and other agencies. The scheme itself is run by the police and community volunteers who are supported by a County Coordinator. Volunteers are trained, insured and audited to ensure the public have total confidence in them.


School Streets

A School Street Scheme is where the road outside a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle/scoot zone during the school's opening and closing times. By removing traffic from around schools, carriageway space can be used for waiting, walking, scooting and cycling.


HGV Watch

HGV Watch is a new scheme backed by the Police but lead by local volunteers. Volunteers undertake high-visibility roadside operations to educate HGV drivers that they are travelling through weight, height or width restricted routes in local towns or parishes.

For more information, email:


If you run a local organisation or community group that offers volunteering opportunities in the Fenland area and would like your information to be listed on this page, please get in touch via email at info@fenland.gov.uk

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