Market Place Regeneration
The Market Place regeneration project has improved the appearance and car park layout of the Market Place and introduced new and improved facilities, enhancing its position as a key community space in the heart of the town centre.
The scheme includes new paving and seating and the installation of EV infrastructure for future Electric Vehicle charging points, and addressed underlying issues with the old Market Place such as drainage.
The 12-week project commenced on Monday 9 January 2023 and completed on schedule despite final resurfacing works being delayed by wet weather and cold overnight conditions.
The town's Wednesday and Saturday Market returned back to the Market Place on Saturday 8 April 2023. The markets had temporarily relocated to City Road car park while the works took place.
The Market Place enhancement works included:
- New sandstone and cobbled paving, including levelling and widening of paved surfaces adjacent to the Town Hall to offer an enhanced public realm space.
- Re-lining and re-tarmacking of the car park.
- Significant upgrade to underground drainage systems.
- Improved car park layout with wider bays to accommodate more modern, larger vehicles.
- Installation of underground EV infrastructure for future Electric Vehicle charging points, reducing the need for future works.
- New traffic control bollards for use on market days.
- Installation of new, high quality public street furniture including benches.
The Market Place's existing three disabled bays have been retained but moved to the western side of the Market Place, and the car parking spaces have been reduced to 23 spaces to accommodate larger vehicles and reduce the risk of collisions.