Vacant Unit Activation Scheme (grant scheme)

A scheme aimed at helping to regenerate empty town centre units

As part of the Department for Levelling Up's Future High Streets Fund programme, the Council has secured funding to bring forward a Vacant Unit Activation Scheme in the form of a grant to be paid at up to 95%* of the cost of capital works on vacant properties to bring them up to a lettable standard.

* Up to £25,000

The aim of the grant is to help owners let properties out to businesses, revitalising the town centre of March and reducing the number of vacant units.

As part of this project we would like to invite owners to contact us to discuss any development or investment plans that we could help to support bringing forward.

The funding currently secured is limited and therefore we will have to prioritise the buildings to invest in based on need. It is likely that some buildings will need more investment than others and the grant will be assessed on a basis of application measured against remaining grant funding available. It is hoped that discussions with you will help us to understand which buildings are most in need.

Fenland District Council is currently seeking expressions of interest from owners of premises within March.

Submit an Expression of Interest

If you own a vacant shop in March town centre and think you may qualify for the grant, please email the Council's High Streets Project Officer Matt Wright on:

View the boundary for eligible properties (PDF, 837 KB)

This is a fantastic opportunity for businesses and property owners within March to potentially benefit from external funds, improve the attractiveness of the town centre and bring back into use vacant and underused properties.

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