Food Safety Management Systems

If you run a food business, you must have a documented food safety management system based on the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Simply, this is a written system that looks at:

  • The type of food you prepare
  • How you do this safely by monitoring critical points of your process
  • Having suitable documentation to demonstrate this

The amount of documentation needed relates to the type of food and the risks they present. Your staff must be trained on your system to ensure they understand the process and procedures they need to follow and what monitoring is required.

Your food hygiene rating score will be affected if you do not have a fully implemented and up to date food safety management system such as Safer Food Better Business (SFBB).

Safer Food Better Business

The Food Standards Agency has developed a nationally recognised food safety management system that is suitable for a range of different business types. These can be downloaded free of charge from the Food Standards Agency:

Food Standards Agency Scotland has produced a system for butchers to use called ButcherSafe - Click here to visit the ButcherSafe website

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