Time is running out to have your say in Whittlesey Relief Road consultation

Local people have less than a week left to take part in the Whittlesey Relief Road consultation, which closes on Friday November 22.

Whittlesey traffic

The consultation is seeking views on proposed options for the Whittlesey Relief Road Project, which aims to address the town's traffic issues and boost future growth and connectivity in the area.

Feedback on the options will be used to inform the final option designs for inclusion in a Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC), which will be completed in early 2025.

The SOBC is a crucial piece of work that will examine a range of transport solutions, assess whether the relief road is the best option to push forward - and be used to help secure the necessary government funding to make it happen.

Consultants Mott McDonald are working on the SOBC with officers from Fenland District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, the Environment Agency and various transport providers.

To take part in the consultation, visit: 

Anyone unable to access the survey online can:

  • Email their views to the Transport team at Fenland District Council at: transportandaccess@fenland.gov.uk.
  • Telephone the team on 01354 622445.
  • Pick up a printed copy of the survey from Whittlesey Town Council offices, Peel House, 8 Queen Street, Whittlesey, PE7 1AY.

Consultation information is also available to view at the Whittlesey Town Council offices until the end of the consultation. The offices are open between 9.30am and 1pm, Monday to Friday (closed Saturdays and Sundays).

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November 2024

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