New scheme that helps people in Fenland get back to or stay in work is already supporting 150 people

A new scheme that supports people in Fenland who are struggling to get or remain in work due to ill health, is already supporting 150 people.

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Anyone who is struggling to get or stay in work due to a physical or mental health issue is invited to register for free support through WorkWell Fenland. The scheme is not linked to benefits and individuals can register for support whether they are in receipt of benefits or not.

People can refer themselves and employers are encouraged to signpost employees to the programme too to help individuals take steps to be well for work.

Fenland District Council is delivering the UK Government-funded WorkWell Fenland scheme in partnership with the Department of Work and Pensions and NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Cllr Sue Wallwork, Fenland District Council's portfolio holder with responsibilities for communities and health, said: "People who register with WorkWell Fenland are often struggling to know where to turn for help.

"Every individual's situation is different and our coaches listen with compassion to the whole picture and bring their expert local knowledge to offer practical, supported solutions.

"Crucially and most importantly, this is proving transformative for the individuals involved and their families. In addition, it is also of huge benefit to Fenland's employers and the district's economy."

Individuals who have or continue to be helped by the programme, include a person who was no longer able to continue in their profession following suffering serious injury in an accident several years ago, who has found work since contacting WorkWell Fenland.

An individual who was facing lots of personal challenges due to grief and family ill health and had been signed off work due to their mental health was given support around discussing return-to-work with their employer and is now back at work and happy.

An individual who is in work and loves their job but was finding it a struggle to keep fulfilling their work obligations and manage their mental health has been supported to get mental health support to help them continue in their job.

Another who is off sick and wants to get back to work, but is overwhelmed by anxiety, is being supported to explore options, either for returning to the same employer or consider other work.

A total of 150 people signed up to WorkWell Fenland to the end of February. The scheme only fully launched just before Christmas.

To discover more about WorkWell Fenland or to complete a form requesting a call from a WorkWell coach, visit: WorkWell Fenland or call Fenland District Council on 01354 654321.

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March 2025

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