Crab Marsh Boat Yard

Our Crab Marsh Boat Yard operates 75 tonne boatlift, handling vessels up to 27m within its secure compound

Facilities include:

  • Boat storage ashore
  • An 120-ton slipway and winch facility
  • CCTV and security
  • Workshop space with inside storage (subject to availability)
  • Toilet and shower facilities
  • A laundrette
  • Car parking
  • Diesel fuel
  • Pressure washing
  • A telehandler fork lift
  • Refuse, waste oil and battery disposal
  • Listening watch on VHF channel 37a or 09

We are the only boatyard in the region that offers a light commercial facility.

Operating hours

Hauling and launching takes place within normal working hours, Monday to Friday. 

In emergencies, we can haul and launch outside normal hours. This is subject to an additional fee. 


All yard services apply from 08:30 to 16:30, Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays. Otherwise charges are +100%.

Any emergency weekend lifting +100%. 

Boat lifting

Up to 15m LOA or 20 tonnes

Lift out to yard, including shoring up using boat cradle/stands - per metre£23.50
Lift out to yard, including shoring up using boat cradle/stands - minimum charge£158.25
Relaunch or lift onto Trailer - per metre£23.50
Relaunch or lift onto Trailer - minimum charge£158.25


Vessels over 15m LOA and/or 20 tonnes to 75 tonnes

Yard charges apply for non-contract rate at non-contract (visitor) berthing rates. 

Lift out to yard, including shoring up using boat cradle/stands - per metre£32.75
Marine Service waiting charge per hour - per person£51.50
Relaunch or lift onto Trailer - per metre£32.75
Lift out hold in Slings (subject to availability) - per meter, per 30 minutes. Return to water. £11.75


Hire of Yacht Harbour cradles

Hire is subject to availability. 

Pro annum / pro rata per cradle£136.00
Hire of electric pressure washer - per use£43.50
Hire of petrol pressure washer - per day plus fuel£93.00
Hire of petrol pressure washer - per week plus fuel£186.00


Boom crane lifting - max 3 tonnes

Engine lift per engine, per hour or part£94.50
Commercial Engine LiftPOA
Small boat lift, per metre each way£20.00
Minimum charge each way£65.00


Other services

Marine Service labour (minimum 2 hours) - £60.00. For any additional work per hour, including:

  • cleaning the boat yard if left untidy
  • boat movement by yard staff (plus harbour vessel's workboat hire)
  • mast stepping or unstepping
  • pressure wash by yard staff
Mast storage - per mast, up to 12m vessel LOA, single payment£67.75
Over 12m vessel LOA, single payment£94.75
Boat trailer or cradle storage (subject to availability of space) per annum£96.50
Miscellaneous storage ancillary per square metre, per annum, subject to availability and permission£53.75
Marina pump out per use (subject to availability)£20.00


Non boatyard temporary hard standing (subject to availability) - charges as per non-contract berthing rates

Hire of forklift and operator, up to 3.6 tonne lifts - first half hour or part - £94.50 and per additional hour - £60.00

Electricity by prepaid card from Harbour Office

Gate access card to Yacht Harbour - £18.00

Tradesmen licence - annual working permit - £149.50. Required for all Tradesmen to work in boatyard, Yacht Harbour or slipway. Subject to insurance and Harbour Master's approval. 

Crab Marsh Workshop - premium under cover boat storage. Short term per month - £199.00. 


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