Preventing radicalisation (Prevent)

Helping to reduce the threat from terrorism and extremism and knowing how to report a concern

Fenland is seen as a safe district and the risk of a terrorist incident is considered to be very low. The vast majority of people, in all our communities, need no convincing that terrorism is wrong and want to see it prevented. People from all communities want to play their part in helping to make that happen. We all have a role in ensuring that our communities are kept safe and that individuals who may be at risk of radicalisation can be provided with the help and support they need.


Prevent is one of four strands of the Government's UK Counter-Terrorism Strategy, known as CONTEST.

The other strands are: Prepare; Protect; and Pursue.

Prevent has three main objectives to:

  • respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism.
  • support vulnerable people and prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.
  • work with key sectors and institutions and address risks.

It focuses on early intervention before any illegal activity takes place. It is not about catching terrorists, it is about identifying people who are, or may be at risk of radicalisation, and supporting them to change direction in a way that will help them.

Safeguarding vulnerable people from radicalisation is no different from safeguarding from other forms of harm or abuse.

Find out more about the National Prevent Strategy

Spotting the signs

The journey to becoming radicalised is different for everyone and there are many reasons why someone becomes vulnerable. Radicalisation can take place very quickly, or over a long period of time. However, there are certain behaviours you can watch out for that we often see when someone is being led down the path of extremism.

Visit GOV.UK to find out more about the signs that someone may be vulnerable to radicalisation.

How to report or share a concern

You're best placed to spot when something's not right with someone close. So trust your instincts and tell the police your concerns in confidence.

Often there's no need for ongoing police involvement and the right support could be provided by teachers, health or social workers, or specialist mentors.

If you are concerned about anyone who might be at risk of becoming radicalised then you can:

If you see online material promoting terrorism or extremism, you can report it online.


If you suspect that someone is about to put themselves in danger by travelling to join a terrorist organisation, or appears involved in plans to commit a criminal offence, please inform the police immediately by calling 999.

What is the Prevent Duty?

The Prevent Duty requires Local Authorities and their partners (including police and health partners) to work together to counter all forms of terrorism and non-violent extremism, and to safeguard individuals at risk of radicalisation.

Together, we work to:

  • help identify and challenge extremism in an appropriate way.
  • train staff to spot others who may be at risk of supporting terrorism or extremism. They can then refer them for support.
  • raise awareness of Prevent and other aspects that lead to extremism and terrorism.

We have a Prevent Plan which includes actions to support communities to share concerns about individuals at risk of radicalisation, as well as groups who may present a threat. We will work to inform communities and raise awareness about Prevent. We want to support you, our communities, to share local intelligence and make appropriate referrals. 

What support is available

Anyone who is referred to Prevent is assessed by the local authority and other partners, including the police, to see if they're suitable for Channel, Prevent's specialist support scheme.

Channel is a voluntary, confidential, early intervention programme which safeguards people identified as vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism.

Channel has been operating successfully in Peterborough and Cambridgeshire for a number of years.

The support that is offered is tailored for each case and could consist of any of the following:

  • help with family problems
  • mental health support
  • mentoring
  • religious support

Find out more about the Channel Programme.

Further resources

Further resources on Prevent and free training modules can be found on the Home Office website.

If you would like to know more about the Fenland District Council's Prevent Plan, please direct your request to either the Council's Traveller & Diversity Manager or the Fenland Community Safety Partnership.  In the first instance please call 01354 654321 or email Customer Services

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