Animal Licensing

Activities that can impact on Animal Welfare may need a licence

New Cat microchipping legislation

Under new legislation cat owners in England from the 10th of June 2024 must microchip their cats and register them on a government approved database.

The Microchipping of Cats and Dogs (England) Regulations 2023 (,

All cats have to be microchipped before they reach the age of 20 weeks old or feline owners will risk a fine of £500 under the new law.

If your cat already has a chip, make sure your contact information is correct especially if you have moved home or changed your phone number. Incorrect or out-of-date information means that your cat is not legally considered as microchipped.

While your cat might wear a collar and tag that carry your details, these can easily break, fall off or be removed. A microchip can't be removed easily, so your details will always be with your cat.

Getting your pet microchipped is a quick and simple procedure. Vets will usually charge between £10 and £30 to do this.

Animal Welfare and Business Licences

You need a licence if you are going to sell animals as pets, provide animal boarding, hire out horses, breed dogs or keep or train animals for exhibition

Dangerous Wild Animals

You must hold a licence from us if you wish to keep a dangerous wild animal (other than at a licensed zoo or specialist pet shop, a circus or a scientific institution), under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976

Zoo Licensing

A Zoo licence from the Council is needed if wild animals are exhibited to the general public on more than seven days in any 12 consecutive months

Animal Welfare news

The latest news relating to Animal Welfare Licensing

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