Anti-Social Behaviour

Information about anti-social behaviour and how to report it

What is Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)?

Defined in the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003, it is 'behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household as the person.'

There are three main types of ASB:

  • Personal ASB is when someone targets a specific individual or group
  • Nuisance ASB is when someone causes trouble, annoyance or suffering to a community
  • Environmental ASB is when someone's actions affect the wider environment, such as public spaces or buildings

Report anti-social behaviour

Sometimes the best way to stop anti-social behaviour is to politely talk to the individual(s) responsible. Calmly discussing the behaviour and its impact can stop it from happening. They may not realise their behaviour is causing a nuisance. Don't try this approach if it will put your personal safety at risk.

A number of organisations work together to deal with anti-social behaviour. This includes Fenland District Council, the police and housing associations.

Who to contact depends on your situation, the type of behaviour and the impact it is having.

Criminal offences should always be reported directly to the police.

Social housing

If you live in social housing, contact your housing association first. They can help with issues such as neighbour disputes, untidy gardens, boundary disagreements, noise nuisance and tenancy breaches. 

CCTV concerns

Use of domestic CCTV is covered by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). Any complaints over the use of home CCTV systems should be reported to the ICO. The ICO also offers general guidance about CCTV issues

Cannabis use

Cannabis use in private or public is a criminal offence and should be reported to the police. Reports received by the Council about cannabis use will be shared with the police. 

Other types of nuisance

Some activities, although unpleasant, may not be considered anti-social behaviour. This means they are dealt with by different teams within the Council.

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