Donating money and supplies to Ukraine

If you'd like to help, many charities that would be grateful of financial donations to aid their work during the ongoing conflict. You may also be able to donate items to voluntary and community organisations in Fenland that are sending supplies to Ukraine.

Donating money

If you'd like to help, the most effective action you can take is to make a financial donation to one of the following charities which are supporting Ukraine during the ongoing conflict. Any amount you can give will go a long way to helping those in need.

Donating essential supplies

Below are some of the voluntary and community organisations that are assisting with donations to Ukraine. Please get in touch with them to check which items are most needed and if they are still accepting donations.

  • Rosmini Centre, Queens Road, Wisbech
  • FACT Community Transport, Martin Avenue, March
    • Telephone: 01354 661234
  • Whittlesey Emergency Food Aid, Broad Street, Whittlesey
    • Telephone: 01733 752093

If you would like to add details of a collection in your area, please email

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