Tax Checks

From 4 April 2022, there will be a small addition to the checks licensing bodies already have in place. You'll need to complete a tax check with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) when you renew your licence in relation to:

  • Licensed Driver for both Hackney Carriage & Private Hire
  • Private Hire Operator
  • Licensed Vehicles for both Hackney Carriage & Private Hire
  • Deal in scrap metal

The changes will only apply in England and Wales.

How changes may affect you

What you need to do will depend on whether you're applying for a licence for the first time or whether you're making a subsequent application, such as renewing a licence.

Applying for a new licence

If you are applying for a licence for the first time, you will not need to complete the tax check. However, we will ask you to read HMRC guidance on what you need to do to be properly registered for tax in the future and you'll need to confirm you have done this.

Renewing a licence

From 4 April 2022, if you renew or apply for a subsequent licence under a different licensing body, you'll have to do a tax check. You'll be able to do this online through a digital service.

About the tax check

You will be able to complete this tax check on GOV.UK, through your Government Gateway account. You will only need to answer a few questions to tell HMRC how you pay any tax that may be due on income you earn from your licensed trade. If you do not already have a Government Gateway account, you can sign up on GOV.UK.

The tax check should only take a few minutes. There'll be guidance on GOV.UK and anyone who needs extra support will be able to complete the tax check by phone through HMRC's customer helpline.

What to do with the tax check code

When you've completed the tax check, you'll get a code. You must add this code to your renewal application.

We cannot proceed with your licence application or renewal until the tax check is completed and we've received the code.

We will only receive confirmation from HMRC that you've completed the tax check, we will not have access to information about your tax affairs.

What you need to do

If you've not registered to pay tax on earnings from your licensed trade, please go to GOV.UK to check if you need to register as soon as possible:

If you should have been registered to pay tax and have not been, HMRC will work with you promptly and professionally to get you back on the right track. It's your responsibility to get your tax right, but HMRC is here to help.

You can get help from HMRC if you need extra support, for example if you need information in a different format or need help filling in forms. Visit GOV.UK and search 'Get help from HMRC if you need extra support'.

Find out more information on the tax check at

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