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Zero complaints against district council upheld in five years, ombudsman reports

For the fifth year running the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has confirmed that it hasn't upheld a single complaint against Fenland District Council.

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The ombudsman has confirmed that it found no fault and upheld none of the complaints it investigated against Fenland District Council in the past year. That compared to an average of 63 per cent 'in similar authorities'.

Cllr Steve Tierney, portfolio holder for customer services, said: "We're extremely proud of this record which reflects the high standard of our services and processes.

"Unfortunately, despite our very best efforts, there will be times where things go wrong, but we always investigate diligently and support a solution.

"The ombudsman's findings provide another layer of reassurance around our diligent processes."

The ombudsman upholds complaints when it finds fault in an organisation's actions.

In figures just published, the ombudsman confirmed that in the year up to 31 March 2024 it assessed three complaints made against the district council and closed them after initial inquiries. Two investigations were completed. Neither were upheld.

To view the ombudsman statistics for Fenland District Council and other councils across the country, go to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman website

Fenland District Council is committed to responding to feedback and complaints. Discover more about our complaints, compliments and comments '3Cs' process visit: Our 'Complaints, Compliments or Comments' page

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July 2024

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