New service offers help and hope to people who are struggling to work due to health barriers
People in Fenland who are struggling to work due to health barriers can access a new free support programme to get the help they need.

WorkWell Fenland is a voluntary scheme for people struggling to stay in their job or to get a job.
It sees people allocated a supportive work and health coach to discuss how they are feeling and help them to access treatment or support.
The scheme is for anyone aged 16 or over who is finding it difficult to retain or get a job due to a physical or mental health issue. To access it, you must have the right to work in the UK, live in Fenland or be registered with a GP or JobCentre Plus in Fenland. You do not need to be on benefits to access the service. Taking part in the programme is completely voluntary and has no impact on benefits.
WorkWell Fenland is part of a wider scheme available to anyone living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and will run until March 31, 2026. It is supported by NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board (ICB) with funding from the Department of Work and Pensions and is delivered in partnership with local organisations.
WorkWell Fenland is being delivered by Fenland District Council.
Cllr Sue Wallwork, Fenland District Council's portfolio holder with responsibilities for communities and health, said: "This is a positive, voluntary scheme for anyone who has a health issue that could or does stop them from working.
"Our job is to listen to everything that is going on in someone's life that is making work difficult and provide opportunities to get the help they need.
"It's for people who are keen to work but are finding their physical or mental health is a barrier. It's about helping people, not sanctioning or blaming them."
Nicky Ward, Director of Strategy & Development at NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICB, said, "We are excited the WorkWell programme has launched across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough helping local people who need support to remain in or return to work quickly. This pilot is a great example of the local system working together to help those at risk of falling out of employment or who need support to return to work."
Coaches will help people who take part in WorkWell to access the support they need, which could include anything from health and wellbeing services, home adaptations, debt management advice, domestic and relationship support to substance misuse support.
To find out more or sign up to WorkWell Fenland contact Fenland District Council on 01354 654321 or complete the contact form at: WorkWell Fenland

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December 2024