Food Premises Approval

Manufacturers handling animal produces may also need food premises approval

Types of premises may include:

  • meat preparation plants
  • meat processing plants
  • minced meat processing operations and mechanically separated meat processing plants
  • egg grading and packing plants
  • cold stores

These manufacturers must meet specific food safety requirements and have a plan in place to properly control risks. View guidance from the Food Standards Agency.

It is a criminal office to operate unapproved food premises where such an approval is required from the Council.

Occasionally businesses may be exempt from needing approval. Please contact us if you think you are exempt as the rules are complex. 

It is free to apply. 

New businesses

We must process your application before you can trade. 

After you've applied, an Environmental Health officer will visit your premises to do an assessment. 

We aim to complete your application within 28 working days. 

Changes to your business

You must tell us in writing if:

  • there are changes to your business e.g new activities, new owners or premises closure; or
  • you have bought an existing approved premises

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