Golden Age
Our Golden Age fairs provide information on opportunities, support and services available to the over 60s in Fenland.
On this page:
Next event
The next Golden Age event is:
- to be confirmed soon.
About Golden Age fairs
Our Golden Age fairs are open to anyone:
- aged over 60
- interested in opportunities, services and support for over 60s
Golden Age fairs are free to attend and include:
- free entry
- free tea, coffee and cake
- goodies to take away
Golden Age fairs are full of stands staffed by organisations that provide opportunities, services and support to over 60s.
They're relaxed and informal and visitors can drop in any time to wander the stalls and discover what's on offer to over 60s.
At each event there are around 25-30 organisations represented from a pool of around 80.
Attending organisations could include those that provide services to do with:
- independent living
- emotions and wellbeing
- finances
- law
- carers
- health
- home security
- transport
- learning
- social and volunteering opportunities.
Golden Age fairs are for anyone with an interest in services for over 60s - whether they are over 60 themselves or a carer, friend, family member or advocate for someone who is.
We hold fairs in different villages and towns across Fenland, usually in village halls and community centres.
Golden Age events are coordinated and enabled by Fenland District Council, with support from partners.
For more information, please email or call 01354 654321.
Other related services
- Fenland District Council's Active Fenland provides free and low-cost accessible activity sessions open to, and in some cases, specifically designed for older people. For details see: Active Fenland
- For housing advice including signposting to support to remain living independently, see:
- Cost of living support in Fenland