Taxi news

Latest news and updates for people in Fenland's taxi industry

February 2022

Public Notice - Proposed changes to fees and charges for Vehicle and Operators' Licences 2022-23

Notice is hereby given under Section 70 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 that Fenland District Council proposes to increase the fees and charges for Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licences, Private Hire Vehicle Licences and Private Hire Operator Licences as detailed here: .

Any person wishing to make representations or objections to the above proposals must do so in writing by 30 March 2022.  Representations should be sent to the Licensing Manager, Fenland District Council, Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ or email

The fees will come into operation on the 01 April 2022 unless any objections to the variation are duly made before this date.

July 2021

E10 Petrol Guidance

During summer 2021, the standard (95 octane) petrol grade in Great Britain will become E10. The change in fuel applies to petrol only. Diesel fuel will not be changing.

Almost all (95%) petrol-powered vehicles on the road today can use E10 petrol and all cars built since 2011 are compatible. If your petrol vehicle or equipment is not compatible with E10 fuel, you will still be able to use E5 by purchasing the 'super' grade (97+ octane) petrol from most filling stations. Petrol pumps will clearly label petrol as either E10 or E5.

E10 Graphic

You can check if your vehicle is compatible with E10 petrol by using the E10 vehicle checker.

You can also find out more information from the weblink: E10 petrol explained - GOV.UK (

January 2021

Cambridgeshire "Safer Transport: COVID Trained" scheme

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented event in modern times.

The global impact of the virus is undeniable. Despite this, it is worth remembering that viruses cannot travel great distances - they rely on a host to spread. It is possible to keep ourselves safe by following the simple guidelines set down by the Government of 'Hands, Face, Space'; keep your hands clean, wear a face covering, and maintain a social distance from others not in your household or bubble at all times. 

It is however, acknowledged that there are roles people fulfil where following all of these steps is not possible all of the time, such as driving a taxi, or travelling in a taxi. For this reason, we have worked with our neighbouring district and city Councils in Cambridgeshire as well as Cambridgeshire County Council Public Health to launch a 'COVID Trained' safety scheme, where drivers can learn more about keeping both themselves and their passengers safe.

Once the training has been completed, those drivers who hold vehicle licences will be able to claim the full cost, or up to £100 (whichever is the lower amount) towards the cost of an approved COVID-19 screen for their vehicle, subject to complying with the offer's terms and conditions (details below).

COVID Training

To undertake the training and unlock access to funding towards an approved screen, please click on the link below. This will redirect you to a webpage on East Cambridgeshire District Council's website that hosts the online training.

Information for passengers

Part of the training involves viewing a short video which details the recommended steps a driver should take in order to promote safer travel whilst the COVID-19 risk remains present. View the passenger information video

Updated Driver Medical requirements

We have updated our requirements for Driver medicals, which are required for a new application and periodically throughout the licence. More information, and a link to the updated forms, can be found on our licensed driver page.

EU Settlement Scheme

As a result of the UK leaving the EU, those who have been residing or working in the UK must now apply to the EU Settlement Scheme should they wish to remain. Under the government legislation, EU Citizens who were residing in the UK prior to the 1st of January 2021 will have their rights and status remain in place until the 30th of June 2021. View more information.  

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