Wisbech Port

Wisbech Port offers excellent facilities and competitive wharfage dues

Wisbech Port offers a high-quality service at very competitive rates. This includes:

  • competitive wharfage dues, with discounts for assured business and high volumes
  • modern mobile cranes at competitive rates for loading and discharge (up to 20 tonnes max lift)
  • over 20 tonne lifts on application
  • rapid turnaround
  • excellent road service to all parts of the country
  • availability of diesel bunkers, water and stores (with reasonable notice)
  • equipment for bulk handling
  • excellent discharge port for abnormal loads, allowing minimum road transport

Vessel information

Vessels are welcome up to a maximum of 83m L.O.A and 13m beam. The Harbour Master will need to approve vessels over 75m that are equipped with an effective bow thruster. 

All vessels are required to offer good forward visibility, with a maximum draft of tidal prediction minus 2 metres up to a maximum of 4.88m. To swing, a vessels maximum forward draft must be predicted to be less than 3 metres. Adverse weather conditions can cause large variations on prediction which affects the restrictions on draft. 

Vessels of unusual construction, or with resisted or limited visibility, require prior permission from the Harbour Master. They may be subject to daylight only passage and/or a tug attending. 12 hours notice may be required to order the tug. 

For any vessel sailing from Wisbech in loaded or part loaded condition, maximum draft should be calculated by prediction minus 2.4 metres. All such vessels should agree their departure plan with the Pilot Master well in advance. 

For more information, please contact the Port Operator by calling +44 (0)1945 587070 or refer to the Tide Timetable booklet. 

History of Wisbech Port

Wisbech has served as a port since medieval times. After the estuary of the River Ouse became silted up, it was diverted into the sea at Lynn. This led to the construction of the present course of the River Nene from Peterborough to the Wash. The drained marshes provided rich productive farmland, bringing prosperity to Wisbech and its Port. It was the centre of a thriving agricultural region and an important trading centre - with shipments of corn and oilseed rape to the coast and continent, and imports which included coal from the North and timber from the Baltic. All this prosperity led to the magnificent Georgian architecture of the buildings along the Brinks, with North and South Brink deemed two of the finest Georgian Streets in England. 

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