Fenland Four Seasons Events

We work with community partners to run a series of large public events in Fenland throughout the year, known as our Four Seasons events.

Each year we enable at least one event in each of our four market towns.

These events bring vibrancy to our district for the benefit of residents and businesses.

At each event we welcome thousands of visitors to enjoy a wonderful array of food, entertainment and stalls. The footfall at these events is typically 3,000 to 5,000.

Our Four Seasons events are:

  • March St George's Fayre in April on the Sunday closest to St George's Day.
  • Chatteris Midsummer Festival in June.
  • Whittlesey Festival on the second Sunday in September.
  • Wisbech Christmas Fayre on the second Sunday in December.

We also support March Christmas Market on the first Sunday in December.

Discover more about our events in the sections below

Event dates

EventDate of next event:Time

March St George's Fayre

 Sunday, April 27, 2025

10:00 - 16:00

Chatteris Midsummer Festival

Saturday, June 28, 2025

Sunday, June 29, 2025

10:00 - 22:30

10:00 - 16:00

Whittlesey Festival

Sunday, September 14, 2025, 

10:00 - 16:00
March Christmas Market

Sunday, December 7, 2025

10:00 - 15:00

Wisbech Christmas Fayre

Sunday, December 14, 202510:00 - 15:00

Information for caterers

A popular and important aspect of all our events is food and drink.

We endeavour to ensure a variety of different food and drink at an affordable price for visitors, with preference given to cuisines not otherwise offered in the town.

At our Christmas events, we particularly welcome festive food.

Catering pitch fees start from around £50. 

All caterers must have:

  • a food business registration
  • a risk assessment (including fire risk)
  • a gas and/or electrical safety certificate
  • a minimum of £5m public liability insurance
  • a food hygiene rating of three or above.

We usually try to ensure catering options at events include, as a minimum: 

  • Savoury catering - meat, dairy and meat-free options
  • Tea/coffee/hot chocolate
  • Outdoor bar services 
  • Ice cream
  • Crêpes/donuts/waffles (or similar)

Owing to the popularity of the events we cannot accept every catering application, but we do work to offer opportunities to as many businesses as possible across the programme of events, whilst maintaining a variety of refreshment options for visitors at each event.

We organise caterers for all our events at the beginning of each year. The process is usually complete by February.

In January, we proactively contact catering businesses who have attended a previous event and those that have already expressed an interest in doing so.

If you have not attended an event before and would like to, please complete an complete an 'Expression of Interest' form.

Expression of interest forms submitted after January will be retained for events the following year.

Book a stall at a Four Seasons event

A vital and popular part of each of our events are stalls for visitors to browse.

Pitches start from around £30 and, capacity allowing, can be booked up to four weeks prior to the event date. 

All bookings should be made online. Book a stall at a Four Seasons event.

Caterers and entertainers are booked separately, please refer to the relevant section:

If you are unable to book online, contact us.

Entertainment and attraction providers 

We are keen to ensure that our events continue to offer a wide variety of quality attractions and entertainment.

If you are interested in bringing entertainment or an attraction to a Fenland Four Seasons event, please email stating which event you would like to attend, details of what you offer and a quotation to our markets and events team.

Fenland Four Seasons event organising committees and sponsors

The Four Seasons events, along with March Christmas Market, would not go ahead without the dedicated input of voluntary organising committees, sponsors and other community partners.

Fenland District Council provides some seed money to each of the Four Seasons events, an officer to support in the coordination and planning of them, support with bookings and administration and to ensure staffing for many aspects of the on-the-day running.

In most cases it is a small volunteer committee that works all year to organise other aspects of the events which can include parades, additional specialist stalls, programmes of entertainment and dedicated fundraising.

We thank all our town councils, businesses and community partners, committee members and community sponsors for making these events possible.

If you would like to get involved in the events as a sponsor or to assist with organisation in any way, please get in touch with our markets and events team

Event news

For updates on our events, please see our Market and Events News.

Follow the 'Markets and Events in Fenland' Facebook page.

And Fenland District Council Facebook, TwitterLinkedIn and newsletter The Fenlander.

Road closures and parking restrictions

Localised road closures and specific parking restrictions are usually required to enable Fenland Four Seasons events.

Visitors who can travel to the events by foot, cycle or public transport are encouraged to as parking will be limited. Visitors travelling by car are encouraged to use free council car parks.

Check details of road closures and parking restrictions in the run-up to events at: Cambridgeshire County Council's 'Roadworks and Traffic Information' page

Contact markets and events team

Lots of questions about our events and how to attend as a caterer, stallholder or entertainer or attraction provider are included on this page.

If you can't find what you need, please email  marketsandevents@fenland.gov.uk or Contact us.

Provide feedback on a Fenland Four Seasons event

We're always keen to improve and value your feedback.

Please let us know what's great about our events and what could be better at: Four Seasons Event Feedback Form


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