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The Core Strategy was submitted on 4 September 2013

In September 2013, Fenland District Council submitted the Fenland Core Strategy (Submission Version) to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government via the Planning Inspectorate. This contains the planning policies and broad locations for the growth and regeneration of Fenland over the next 20 years.

There was an opportunity for anybody to lodge representations (comments) in early 2013 before the submission. Further consultation was carried out on an Addendum to the Core Strategy (July-August 2013). Copies of all the valid representations that were received during these consultations have also been submitted to the Secretary of State.

covering letter (PDF, 38 KB) was sent alongside the submission to provide an introduction to the submitted documents, the document references and details of the programme officer.

A comprehensive list of all of the submitted documents is available on our Planning Policy Library pages.

The submission documents include:

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