The Planning Policy Library
The Local Plan is supported by a series of documents
The table below sets out the documents that have been used to inform the preparation of the Core Strategy. Documents have one of the following status:
- S - 'Submitted' -a document that was formally submitted to the Secretary of State on 4 September to support the inspection of the Core Strategy
- E - 'Added during Examination' - additional core documents that have been prepared to support the Core Strategy post-submission, usually on request of the Inspector
- O - 'Other' - a background document that is relevant to the Core Strategy
This live table will be updated throughout the examination of the Core Strategy.
For further information on the status of the Core Strategy examination and the latest timetable, please refer to the examination information.
Ref No | Status | Document | Publication Date | Description | Link |
CD001 | S | Submission Core Strategy | Sept-13 | Sets out the strategy for development in Fenland up to 2031 | CD001 (PDF, 2 MB) |
CD002(a) | E | Schedule of Suggested Changes | Sept-13 | Sets out the Council's proposed minor changes to the Core Strategy | CD002(a) (PDF, 58 KB) |
CD002(b) | E | Schedule of Suggested Changes | Nov-13 | Sets out the Council's proposed modifications to the Core Strategy (version b) | CD002(b) (PDF, 146 KB) |
CD003 | S | Submission Policies Map | Sept-13 | Identifies land for major new development as well as protection areas (such as Conservation Areas and nature sites) | CD003 |
CD004(a) | S | Sustainability Appraisal Part 1 | Sept-13 | A statutory tool used throughout the preparation of the Core Strategy to assess the impact of the policies and proposals on sustainability | CD004(a) (PDF, 1 MB) |
CD004(b) | S | Sustainability Appraisal Part 2 | Sept-13 | As above, focusing on the allocation of specific sites | CD004(b) (PDF, 2 MB) |
CD004(c) | S | Non technical summary of the Sustainability Appraisal | Sept-13 | A summary of the Sustainability Appraisal | CD004(c) (PDF, 831 KB) |
CD004(d) | S | Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Document | Jan-11 | A report to establish the criteria to be used to assess the sustainability of the Core Strategy | CD004(d) (PDF, 1 MB) |
CD005 | S | Habitats Regulations Assessment | Sept-13 | Stage 1 (Screening) to determine whether the Core Strategy is likely to have significant impact on a Natura 2000 sites | CD005 (PDF, 1 MB) |
CD006 | S | Statement of Consultation | Sept-13 | Sets out the consultation arrangements have been undertaken in the preparation of the Core Strategy | CD006 (PDF, 6 MB) |
CD007(a) | S | Proposed Submission Statutory Notice | Feb-13 | Public notice setting out when and where consultation documents were available | CD007(a) (PDF, 10 KB) |
CD007(b) | S | Proposed Submission (Addendum) Statutory Notice | June-13 | Public notice setting out when and where consultation documents were available | CD007(b) (PDF, 12 KB) |
CD008 | S | Local Development Scheme | March-13 | Timetable setting out the preparation stages of the Local Plan | CD008 (PDF, 696 KB) |
CD009 | S | Customer Impact Review | Sept-13 | Assessment of equality in the preparation of the Core Strategy | CD009 (PDF, 687 KB) |
CD010 | S | Proposed Submission Version of the Core Strategy | Feb-13 | Proposed Submission version of the Core Strategy | CD010 (PDF, 2 MB) |
CD011 | S | Proposed Submission Policies Map | Feb-13 | Identifies land for major new development as well as protection areas (such as Conservation Areas and nature sites) | CD011 |
CD012 | S | Core Strategy Addendum Document | June-13 | Core Strategy - addendum consultation version. Including updates to Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulations Assessment and Policies Map | CD012 (PDF, 13 MB) |
CD013 | E | Statement of Common Ground | Oct-13 | Statement of Common Ground relating to the A47 in and around Wisbech in both Cambridgeshire and Norfolk. | CD013 (PDF, 846 KB) |
CD014 | S | Affordable Housing Viability Analysis | Jan-10 | Examines the impacts on development viability of applying affordable housing percentages on residential development sites | CD014 |
CD015 | S | Cambridge - sub-regional Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment | Oct-11 | An assessment of need for permanent pitch provision for Gypsies and Travellers, and an indication of need in relation to Travelling Show People | CD015 (PDF, 274 KB) |
CD016 | S | Objectively Assessed Need for Additional Housing - Memorandum of Co-operation | May-13 | To set out the objectively assessed need for additional housing to 2031 | CD016 (PDF, 724 KB) |
CD017 | S | Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Memorandum of Co-operation - Spatial Approach 2011-31 | May-13 | Produced by the local authorities to support the development of a coherent and comprehensive growth strategy across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough | CD017 (PDF, 1 MB) |
CD018 | S | Economic Development Strategy | Jan-13 | The framework for the development of the Fenland economy | CD018 (PDF, 7 MB) |
CD019(a) | S | Fenland District Wide Local Plan 1993 | Aug-93 | Adopted Local Plan | CD019(a) |
CD019(b) | S | Fenland District Wide Local Plan Saved Policies | Sept-07 | Adopted Local Plan Policies Saved by the Secretary of State | CD019(b) (PDF, 16 KB) |
CD020(a) | S | Monitoring Report 11/12 | Dec-12 | Annual monitoring report setting out key facts and figures on development in Fenland | CD20 (PDF, 17 MB) |
CD020(b) | S | Monitoring Report 12/13 | Dec-13 | Annual monitoring report setting out key facts and figures on development in Fenland as at 31 March 2013 | CD020(b) (PDF, 15 MB) |
CD021 | S | Statement of Community Involvement | June-13 | Sets out how the Council intend to involve communities and stakeholders in preparing the Local Plan and determining planning applications | |
CD022 | S | Employment Evidence Report | Sept-13 | Provides evidence on the level of employment growth to 2031 | CD022 (PDF, 948 KB) |
CD023 | S | Threshold Policy for Retail Impact Test | Feb-13 | Consideration of local floorspace threshold for retail impact assessments | CD023 (PDF, 663 KB) |
CD024 | S | Town Centre Annotations on the Policies Map | Feb-13 | Definition of the extent of town centres and primary shopping areas | CD024 (PDF, 706 KB) |
CD025 | S | Housing Evidence Report | Sept-13 | Provides background information and justification for the delivery of housing. THIS REPORT HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY CD025(a). | CD025 (PDF, 971 KB) |
CD025(a) | E | Housing Evidence Report - November 2013 Update | Nov-13 | Replaces the previous 'September 2013' version. Provides background information and justification for the delivery of housing using the latest 12/13 monitoring data. | CD025(a) (PDF, 5 MB) |
CD026 | S | Natural Environment Evidence Report | Sept-13 | Provides background information and justification for policy CS19, Natural Environment | CD026 (PDF, 641 KB) |
CD027 | S | Community Safety Evidence | Feb-13 | Providing background evidence and justification for CS17, Community Safety | CD027 (PDF, 643 KB) |
CD028 | S | Flood Risk Sequential and Exception Test | Sept-13 | Assessment of growth locations in relation to flood risk | CD028 (PDF, 677 KB) |
CD029 | S | Historic Environment Evidence Report | Feb-13 | Provides background information and justification for policy CS18, Historic Environment | CD029 (PDF, 632 KB) |
CD030 | S | Infrastructure Delivery Plan | Feb-13 | This live document sets out the key items of infrastructure necessary to support the growth proposed in the Core Strategy | CD030 (PDF, 987 KB) |
CD031 | S | Parking Standards Evidence Report | Feb-13 | Provides evidence on the Parking Standards | CD031 (PDF, 638 KB) |
CD032 | S | Settlement Hierarchy Evidence Report | Feb-13 | Assessment of the facilities and services in each of the settlements in the district | CD032 (PDF, 750 KB) |
CD033 | S | Village Thresholds Evidence Report | Feb-13 | Provides background information and justification for Village thresholds | CD033 (PDF, 657 KB) |
CD034 | S | Going for Growth Evidence Report | Feb-13 | Considering the implications of growth in the district | CD034 (PDF, 837 KB) |
CD035 | S | Health and Wellbeing Policy Supporting Document | March-13 | Providing background evidence and justification for CS2, Facilitating Health and Wellbeing of Fenland Residents | CD035 (PDF, 970 KB) |
CD036 | S | Open Space Standards Report | Feb-13 | Provides background information and justification of Open Space standards | CD036 (PDF, 673 KB) |
CD037 | S | Duty to Co-operate Summary | Sept-13 | Sets out how the Duty to Co-operate has been fulfilled | CD037 (PDF, 1 MB) |
CD038 | S | Viability Report | Sept-13 | Consideration of the viability implications of the Core Strategy | CD038 (PDF, 669 KB) |
CD039 | E | Cambridgeshire County Council Memorandum of Agreement | Oct-13 | Memorandum of Agreement between CCC and FDC | CD039 (PDF, 224 KB) |
CD040 | E | Housing Apportionment and Peterborough Evidence Report | Nov-13 | Explains the housing apportionment in relation to Peterborough | CD040 (PDF, 32 KB) |
CD041 | E | Statement of Common Ground between FDC and Peterborough City Council | Nov-13 | Explains the areas of agreement between FDC and Peterborough City Council | CD041 (PDF, 10 KB) |
CD042 | E | Facilitating Growth in Fenland | Nov-13 | Guidance note to provide advice and direction to help facilitate the processing of complex planning proposals in Fenland | CD042 (PDF, 1 MB) |
CD043 | E | Fenland Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment (GTANA) Update 2013 | Nov-13 | The study updates the Cambridge Sub-Region GTANA 2011 for the Fenland district. | CD043 (PDF, 339 KB) |
CD044 | E | Delivering and Protecting High Quality Environments in Fenland draft Supplementary Planning Document | Nov-13 | Draft SPD to support the Core Strategy | CD044 (PDF, 478 KB) |
CD045 | E | Resource, Use, Renewable Energy and Allowable Solutions - draft Supplmentary Planning Document | Nov-13 | Draft SPD to support Core Strategy Policy CS14 | CD045 (PDF, 19 MB) |
CD046 | E | Population, Housing and Employment Forecasts - Technical Report | April-13 | A report by Cambridgeshire County Council Research and Performance Team to support spatial strategy development | CD046 (PDF, 1 MB) |
CD047 | E | Statement and appendices from J R Maxey (Maxey, Grounds & Co) | Dec-13 | Statement and appendices submitted by J R Maxey in relation to Matter 4 (affordable housing) | HS10 - 1 of 3 (PDF, 468 KB)HS10 - 2 of 3 (PDF, 475 KB)HS10 - 3 of 3 (PDF, 117 KB) |
O | Cambridgeshire Surface Water Management Plan | May-11 | Study on surface water management issues across Cambridgeshire | Cambridgeshire Surface Water Management Plan | |
O | Cambridgeshire Green Infrastructure Review | July-11 | Sets out the benefits and functions of Green Infrastructure and encourages a co-ordinated and consistent approach to Green Infrastructure planning | Local Transport Plan | |
O | Cambridgeshire-wide Joint Statement | July-12 | Joint statement from Cambridgeshire District Councils on future growth | Cambridgeshire-wide Joint Statement (PDF, 26 KB) | |
O | District-wide Strategic Flood Risk Assessment - Level 1 | July-11 | District wide assessment of Flood Risk and associated figures | District Wide SFRA (PDF, 4 MB) | |
O | Draft Regional Spatial Strategy (submitted to Sos 2010) | March-10 | Draft Revised Regional Strategy - submitted but not adopted | Regional Spatial Strategy - Draft Revision (PDF, 3 MB) | |
O | Regional Spatial Strategy (2008) | May-08 | Regional Strategy for the East of England - revoked January 2013 | Regional Spatial Strategy - East of England Plan (PDF, 3 MB) | |
O | Fenland Neighbourhood Planning Vision (Shaping Fenland) published reports (various) | July-11 | A consultants recommended option on developing an integrated and holistic economic, social and spatial strategy to help inform future growth in the district | Fenland Neighbourhood Planning Vision | |
O | Local Transport Plan 3 | March-11 | Detailed transport programmes and schemes to manage growth across Cambridgeshire | Local Transport Plan | |
O | March Surface Water Management Plan | Nov-12 | Detailed Assessment and options for Surface Water Management in March | March Surface Water Management Plan | |
O | Retail Study 2006 (and 2009 update) | March-06 July-09 | Provides evidence on the supply and demand for Retail Floorspace in Fenland | Fenland Retail Study | |
O | Strategic Housing Market Assessment update | Live | The Cambridge sub-region's Strategic Housing Market Assessment (or SHMA) provides an assessment of the area's housing market | Cambridgeshire Insight | |
O | Fenland Sustainable Community Strategy | 2009 | Strategy for how public, private, community and voluntary services work together to improve Fenland | ||
O | Water Cycle Study - Detailed | Sept-11 | Identifies solutions and options to the issues identified in the Outline Stage and informs a programme of water services infrastructure | Detailed Water Cycle Study (PDF, 2 MB) | |
O | Water Cycle Study - Outline | April-11 | Identifies any key constraints in water supply and treatment to delivering growth. | East Cambs & Fenland Outline Water Cycle Study (PDF, 8 MB) | |
O | Wind Turbine Development Planning Guidance | 2009 | Guidance for wind turbine development | Wind Turbine Development Policy Guidance | |
O | Wisbech Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment | June-12 | Wisbech Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) | Wisbech Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2 | |
O | Cambridgeshire Minerals and Waste Plans | Various | Sets out the strategy and policies for the provision of waste management facilities and extraction and management of minerals for existing and new communities (including the RECAP Waste Management Design Guide) | ||
O | Peterborough Adopted Core Strategy | Feb-11 | Peterborough Adopted Core Strategy | Peterborough Core Strategy | |
O | Peterborough Adopted Site Allocations | April-12 | Peterborough Adopted Site Allocations | Peterborough Site Allocations | |
O | King's Lynn and West Norfolk Adopted Core Strategy | July-11 | King's Lynn and West Norfolk Adopted Core Strategy | King's Lynn and West Norfolk Core Strategy | |
O | King's Lynn and West Norfolk Draft Detailed Policies and Sites Plan | July-13 | King's Lynn and West Norfolk Draft Detailed Policies and Sites Plan | King's Lynn and West Norfolk Detailed Policies and Sites Plan | |
O | Sustainability Appraisal Part 1 (Proposed Submission) | Feb-13 | Undertaken during the preparation of the plan to assess how it contributes towards environmental, social and economic objectives | Sustainability Appraisal Part 1 (PDF, 1 MB) | |
O | Sustainability Appraisal Part 2 (Proposed Submission) | Feb-13 | Appraisal of Locations for Growth at the Market Towns in Fenland | Sustainability Appraisal Part 2 (PDF, 2 MB) | |
O | Habitats Regulations Assessment (Proposed Submission) | Feb-13 | Stage 1 (Screening) to determine whether the Core Strategy is likely to have significant impact on a Natura 2000 site | Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) (PDF, 1 MB) | |
O | Equalities Impact Assessment (Proposed Submission) | June-13 | Assessment of equality in the preparation of the Core Strategy | Customer Impact Review (PDF, 44 KB) | |
O | Open Space Audit | Nov-06 | Survey of Open Spaces | Open Space Study 2006 | |
O | Market Town Transport Studies/Traffic Modelling of Development Strategy | Various | Five year programme of transport improvements for each Market Town | March Town Transport Strategies | |
O | March Area Transport Study | Feb-11 | Provide evidence on the transport implications of growth in and around March | March Area Transport Study | |
O | Wisbech Area Transport Study | Feb-13 | Provide evidence on the transport implications of growth in and around Wisbech | Wisbech Area Transport Study | |
O | Fenland Rail Development Strategy | April-13 | A 20 year plan to help improve the railway in Fenland | Fenland Rail Development Strategy | |
O | Code for Sustainable Homes and the Housing Standards Review | Nov-13 | Report from the House of Commons Environment Audit Select Committee |