House to House Collection

You need a permit from us if you are going door-to-door collecting money or goods for charitable purposes in Fenland

A house to house collection involves collecting money or donated items from houses, pubs or shops for the benefit of a charity.

If you are a small local charity or local group, you will require this type of licence if planning to collect 'door to door'. 

If collecting in a street and not requesting donations by visiting each premises, a Street Collecting permit may be required. 

Please email if you're unsure which licence or permit you need.


  • You must apply at least one month before you plan to start collecting.
  • You can only undertake collections during the hours/days listed on the licence.
  • You must include the names of any people who will be collecting on behalf of the charity or organisation. These are known as the authorised collectors. You must include your own name if you're planning to be an authorised collector.
  • We only allow two collections in an area at a time.
  • Charities must give us their charity registration number. We may check their details with the Charity Commissioner.
  • The permit must always be carried on you during the collection.

Home Office exemptions

Many national charities have Home Office orders of exemption. This allows them to carry out their collections throughout the country without needing a licence from the local council.

If you are exempt please provide an exemption letter.


It is free to apply for a for a house-to-house collection permit.


Please complete the House to House collection application form (Word doc, 78 KB) and email it to

Once we've received your valid application, we will process it. The permit will be issued prior to your proposed collection date.

After the collection

Within one month following your collection, you need to send a statement detailing the amount raised and any expenses deducted.

We will supply a return of statement form with the permit. 

Even if no collection took place, you must submit a 'nil' return.

Please email return statements to

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