Publication Scheme
About the publication scheme
The scheme commits the council to:
- Proactively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information, including environmental information, which is held by the authority and falls within the classifications below
- Specify the information which is held by the authority and falls within the classifications below
- Proactively publish or otherwise make available as a matter of routine, information in line with the statements contained within this scheme.
- Produce and publish the methods by which the specific information is made routinely available so that it can be easily identified and accessed by members of the public.
- Review and update on a regular basis the information the authority makes available under this scheme.
- Produce a schedule of any fees charged for access to information which is made proactively available.
- Make this publication scheme available to the public.
- Publish any dataset held by the authority that has been requested, and any updated versions it holds, unless the authority is satisfied that it is not appropriate to do so; to publish the dataset, where reasonably practicable, in an electronic form that is capable of re-use; and, if any information in the dataset is a relevant copyright work and the public
Classes of information
In line with the Information Commissioner's model, our Publication Scheme contains seven classes of information:
Who we are and what we do
Organisational information, locations and contacts, constitutional and legal governance:
- Council structure (PDF, 184 KB)
- Council Constitution
- Councillors
- Information about the Council:
- Values. Our Values are outlined within Article 1, paragraph 5 of our Constitution and within our Business Plan.
- Council Structure. Our Constitution sets our how the Council works, how decisions are made and the procedures we follow to ensure our work is efficient and accountable to local people. Some of these procedures are set by law; others are ones we have chosen to follow. Our Council is made up of 43 councillors, with elections usually taking place every four years. Members are elected to represent the area they cover and be accountable to people living in their ward.
- Council Leader and Cabinet. The Council uses a leader and cabinet model of decision making. The Cabinet is responsible for running council services and ensuring best value is delivered. They are also responsible for implementing policies, delivering services, approving new policies other than major policies, playing a leadership role and generally promoting the economic, environmental and social well-being of the district.
- Appointment of the Leader. The Leader of the Council is appointed by Full Council for a four year term. The Leader is usually a member of the group with the political majority. The Leader then appoints up to nine other councillors to serve with them on the Cabinet. These Councillors are usually of the same political group as the Leader. One of the Cabinet Members is appointed Deputy Leader. The Cabinet Members assume responsibility for different key areas of local governance.
- Cabinet Responsibilities - more information can also be found in Part 7 of our Constitution
What we spend and how we spend it
Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts:
What our priorities are and how we are doing
Strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews. These can also be found in service areas and through reports to committee:
- Annual Report (including Corporate Performance)
- Business Plan
- Committee reports
- Customer Service performance
- Local Plan
- 3C's policy (PDF, 765 KB) (Compliments, Complaints and Correspondence) and 3C's Annual Report (PDF, 4 MB)
How we make decisions
Policy proposals and decisions. Decision making processes, internal criteria and procedures, consultations.
- Council meetings. Meeting agendas and minutes can be accessed by visiting the relevant committee on this page.
- Meetings calendar
- Meeting statistics by councillor. Attendance statistics are also available by committee.
Our policies and procedures
Our functions and responsibilities, where published, can be accessed within our service area information pages.
Lists and registers
By law, we must hold certain information in registers. We also hold registers relating to some Council functions. These include:
- CCTV locations
- Contaminated land
- Council constitution
- Council meetings
- Council Tax rates
- Electoral register
- Equality and Diversity
- Land property and assets
- Licensed HMOs (Houses of Multiple Occupation)
- Licensing public register
- Local Government Transparency Code
- Member expenses
- Salaries of senior officers and organisation chart (PDF, 184 KB)
- Planning applications
- Public health funerals
- Toilets
The services we offer
Advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases. A description of the services offered.
The above classes of information will not generally include:
- Information the disclosure of which is prevented by law, or exempt under the Freedom of Information Act, or is otherwise properly considered to be protected from disclosure.
- Information in draft form.
- Information that is no longer readily available as it is contained in files that have been placed in archive storage, or is difficult to access for similar reasons.
Some information may only be available in hard copy and some information will only be available for inspection. Where this is the case, this will be made clear on the Council's website.
How to request additional information not covered by this scheme
We have included as much information in the Publication Scheme as we can.
If you can't find what you are looking for you can make a request for information that is not published under this scheme. This should be in writing. Your request will be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
Who to contact
If you wish to find out more information about the scheme, or make a written requests for other information, please email
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request then please contact the Responsible Officer by:
- emailing or;
- calling 01354 654321 or;
- writing to the Responsible Officer at Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ
If after going the the Council's formal complaint and appeals system you are still not satisfied, you can complain directly to the Information Commissioner. You can write to them at:
- Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
We aim to make our Publication Scheme as user friendly as possible and welcome your feedback.
Advice and assistance
If you need help to make a request for information, please contact our Freedom of Information Team using the contact details above.
Re-use of information
Public sector information means information that we as a council produces as part of our core role and functions (also known as Public Task). Information that is not held as part of our public task would not be covered by RPSI.