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Projects to create opportunities for young people in Wisbech

Young people have gained new skills and opportunities through a raft of programmes in Wisbech - and a free fun day aims to reach more.

Wisbech Park sign

Dozens of secondary school age children have had chances to build on and create positive behaviours, hobbies and futures through workshops, regular activities and courses.

In addition, a specific youth programme sought out young people in hang-outs around the town, such as parks, some of whom were perceived as being a nuisance, and identified and assisted individuals facing barriers to education or employment or who were at risk of harm.

Potentially life altering interventions led individuals to get access to counselling, young carer support, tutoring and support from child sexual exploitation agencies.

Now, all young people are invited to try out free activities likely to include rock climbing, jewellery making, and football challenges at a tent at Wisbech Park, in Lynn Road, between midday and 4pm, during Wisbech Town Council's WisBeach Rock Festival on Sunday, August 4. No need to book. All welcome. Representatives will be on hand to engage with young people over positive things they can engage in longer term, such as volunteering.

The projects have been delivered in response to concerns about youth-led anti-social behaviour in the town. They've been delivered with UK Shared Prosperity Fund Levelling Up funding from central Government secured in partnership with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.

Cllr Susan Wallwork, Fenland District Council portfolio holder for community, said:  "The youth projects have led to some incredible feedback.

"Some individuals didn't see a productive future for themselves before joining one of the programmes, but came away striving for a career, with a general renewed sense of self-worth, purpose and determination to succeed. Others found a constructive new hobby.

"Teachers and care givers have reported improved behaviour, confidence and communications skills. 

"These projects have delivered valuable support directly to young people to give them positive experiences, opportunities and alternatives."

Programmes have included:

  • Week-long Firebreak intensive intervention learning with Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service
  • Self-confidence, resilience, communication, wellbeing and boxing training with Jordan Gill Next Generation     
  • Youth consultation and involvement in the development of a physical activity interventions with Living Sport
  • Music and dance workshops with opportunities to work towards Bronze Arts Award accreditation
  • Football training with Peterborough United Foundation.
  • A project with community interest company Youths of Fenland to reach and support young people to remain in, join and increase chances of success in employment, education and training.

Youths of Fenland is also being supported to complete the necessary steps to provide courses accredited by the awarding organisation and educational charity ASDAN.

Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, Dr Nik Johnson, said: "Finding new ways to get young people engaged in productive, enjoyable activities that give them focus and life skills can make a real difference to their futures. It is good to see UK Shared Prosperity Fund money now benefiting people and communities which need it most." 

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July 2024

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